Chapter Eleven: In Law Bonding

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(a/n) merry christmas, hoes 🎄

It was yet another day in the lives of the Jauregui family. Some were indulging in breakfast, while some were still locked away in their bedrooms, possibly not wanting to face the day. But fortunately (unfortunately) the in laws; Camila, Elizabeth, Lorenzo and José had to endure a day together. Camila was downstairs with her daughters having breakfast but Lauren was no where to be seen. She never was much present anymore and Camila couldn't quite understand what was going through her wife's head.

Was she going to file for divorce?

Were they going to separate?

She just wished that Lauren would talk to her because the not knowing was getting the better of her. She was giving Lauren her space but it had been weeks since her outburst about not loving her anymore. Did she actually mean it? Or was it simply something Lauren had said in the heat of the moment.

"Francesca," Camila and the others at the table greeted the matron of the family. She had noticed something was off about her but she couldn't put her finger on it. One thing about Francesca was that she was rather mysterious. If she didn't want something getting out, it wouldn't. She kept people's secrets and hers well.

"You're not eating?" Camila questioned when she saw that Francesca handed something to Maggie and was about to walk off. She had noticed for a while now that something had seemed off about Francesca but she never mentioned anything. Sometimes they would see her sneaking out of the house during the wee hours of the morning, and when someone would mention it, she would simply shrug it off or remind them that it was none of their business.

Did she have a secret lover that no one knew about?

Or was something seriously wrong with the business and she didn't want to worry the family?

Francesca cleared her throat before speaking, she had seemed a bit frail, but maybe it was due to the lack of sleep, due to her early morning rendezvous. "No. I'm not too hungry and if I am, I'd grab something on my way."

"Where are you heading to?" Maggie questioned her.

Francesca raised a questioning eyebrow. "Need I remind you that it is my business, and if I want to involve any of you in it, I would. Now enjoy your meal and head to work." She walked away without a final word.

"Well, that's sus," Atlas said once her aunt was out of earshot. "Is something wrong with her?" She questioned her mother, who only shrugged in response. "We should go spy on her. What if she has a secret family that we don't know about and she's cheating on us with them?!"

Celena; her older sister snorted in laughter. "I don't blame her. Who would want to be a part of this family?" She bit out somewhat harshly. She stood up abruptly and walked away. Her outburst not going unnoticed by her sister, but Camila seemed a bit obliviously to it.

I think that's the problem with some people. They're too locked away in their own problems sometimes that they fail to realize that other people are hurting too. That their actions didn't only have consequences to them but to other people as well.

But sometimes we're too locked away in our own thoughts, within our own feelings to realize it, and we're of no help.

What Camila had done to Lauren might be unforgiveable to some. They might file for divorce right away and sole custody of their kids, not wanting to ever see their face again for as long as they're breathing.

Some might be able to forgive her and with some marriage therapy, they might be able to work pass it. But they'd be lying if they said that their mind doesn't drift to the thought of their significant other with the person they had been unfaithful with. That they don't think about him touching her skin, kissing her neck...telling her just how beautiful she looked naked. And for a split second, they think that it's best to just walk away from their marriage because they'll never be able to forget this, that they might not be able to forgive her.

Why Did I Get Married; Part Two ☾☀︎ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now