Chapter Twelve: All or Nothing

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People always say that for a relationship to actually work out, it involves a lot of forgiveness, a lot of ups and downs, and some fights here and there because no relationship is perfect. They say that's the part of long lasting relationships that no one talks about.

But should a relationship really be like that?

Fighting, forgiveness, ups and downs?

I mean, fighting over silly things is fine, and maybe some jealousy here and there can be considered 'cute', but being jealous all the time? That eventually becomes insufferable.

Fighting all the time will make you grow tired with each passing day.

Love might eventually fade into tolerable, and tolerable might eventually fade into hate and you wouldn't even be able to stand the sight of the person you had claimed that you love so much.

So what's the key to a happy, healthy and long lasting relationship?

Don't ask me, I'm just as lonely and hopeless as you all are and I'll never know.


ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


"Good morning, everyone. How are we all doing this fine day?" Lilly greeted her clients cheerfully. Sat opposite her were Camila and her wife; Lauren along with Catherine and her husband; Lorenzo.

Today's session was going to start to dive into the nitty gritty details of the animosity between the siblings and their spouses. Sure, on the outside it may seem that they are simply fighting and constantly arguing with their siblings because at every given opportunity they would throw all their dirty laundry back into their faces....but what was the reason for all this?

What happened along the way for the siblings to grow distant and slowly begin hating one another the way they do now?

With the help of Doctor Singh, maybe the couples and the siblings would begin to accept things for the way they are and learn to control their emotions and act out accordingly because the taunts may very well never stop no matter how much therapy they go to, to help with their problems, it's all up to each individual to learn to be better.

"Things have been okay for the time being," Camila responded, with Catherine agreeing to her statement. However, at nights when everyone is usually in their respective rooms, there could be low murmurs or what someone could attribute it to being arguing heard coming from Catherine and Lorenzo's room.

One night, although she took no effort in trying to comfort her, Camila saw Catherine running away from her room, with tears streaming down her face. For a second Camila was concerned, wondering why she was crying but she knew it all too well that it was Lorenzo. She would often question why the woman would stay with him for so long especially after the way he treats he. The love; if there was ever any to begin with, seemed to have faded a long time ago and they must've only stayed together for their children.

Why Did I Get Married; Part Two ☾☀︎ Camrenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें