Chapter Sixteen: One on One

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"I'm so sorry that it took us so long to finally meet," Astrid Leong Teo said as she shook hands with Camila.

"It's okay," Camila said with a smile on her face. "I understand that a woman of your calibre would be quite busy."

Astrid took a seat opposite to Camila and her attorney, she had also brought her manager along with her attorney to peruse any documentations that she needed to sign. "I came to your boutique a couple months ago. This charmingly awkward," she laughed. "...young lady assisted me in purchasing a shoe." She saw the confusion on Camila's face. "I take it that you were unaware?"

"Was this charmingly awkward young lady about yay tall?" Camila asked to which Astrid nodded. She chuckled fondly. "Ah, that would be my younger daughter. She didn't mention that you were there."

"To be fair, she didn't exactly know who I was, until another young lady at the register, I take it that she might've been your other daughter?" Astrid questioned, to which Camila nodded. "Informed her about who I was. I must say that I've been given many free things in my career as a model. Some of which I use, donate and after using, I donate, but the shoes I received from your daughters, I don't know, there was just something different about our interaction. I liked it. So I told my manager to get back to you about a potential partnership. Potential, meaning if I like what we're about to discuss, then I'll be more than willing to work with you."

Camila nodded in understanding, she made a mental note to speak with her daughters who hadn't mentioned their interaction with the model. "I see, well in that case, I'm honoured that our brand would be partnering with you. Even if it meant that my daughters were the masterminds behind it."

Astrid laughed softly.

They exchanged ideas and continued chatting for about an hour. The prospective partnership seemed quite promising. Astrid's attorney said that they'd most definitely be in touch. This was going to be groundbreaking for Camila's boutique and her brand. She was ecstatic. She reached for her phone to text Lauren about how her meeting with Astrid had went, but then reality came crashing down.

Did Lauren even want to hear what she had to say? With her sister being in the hospital and everything that had been going on between them, she wasn't sure if she could text her out of the blue.

But to her surprise, being at a mental war, wondering if she should text her wife or not, Lauren had shot her a text.

"How did the meeting go?"

Camila stared down at her phone, flabbergasted at the fact that her wife had even texted her first. I guess, this is what you call progress. Although, Lauren had told Camila that they would both sit and have a chat with Celena about her feelings and how the realization that Lauren wasn't her biological mother had affected her, they hadn't exactly done that.

In Lauren's defence, she hadn't exactly said when they were going to talk, and with Francesca being hospitalized, that wouldn't be anytime soon.

"It went well, seems promising."

Camila responded.

She didn't want to push her luck by rambling on and on about what she and Astrid had spoken about. She locked her phone and placed it down, after a few moments, she picked it up and saw that Lauren hadn't read it as yet. Unless she was one of those people who reads their text messages from the notification bar, and doesn't bother responding after that.

"Have you gotten any updates on Francesca?"

A minute or two went by, and Camila had given up getting a response from her wife, until she realized that Lauren was an attorney and that she must've been busy. It's not like they were sixteen and could spend the entire day exchanging text messages.

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