Chapter 17: An Underground City

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The night air currently raging around me is cold. And I mean cold like of it could it would turn into shards of ice. I think was is worse is how sudden it came up. But then again wind picking up unexpectedly is kind of a hazard in this city.

The tree branches whip against my back and arms and legs, even my face. Each hit makes me yelp in pain.

"You okay?" The masked man asks, his voice filled with genuine concern which I didn't think he was capable of.

I desperately want to snap " Why do you care." but instead I say-

"I'm fine thanks for asking."

The leaves rustle with the wind, branches swaying. During the day I would normally find this type of scene to be an extremely beautiful one. But at night it is just downright creepy. I find that kind of funny how something can be so beautiful at one time and scary at others.

The deeper we go into the woods the more anxious I get. How far out is he taking me.

"How much farther?" I ask, my voice trembling with fear as well as the cold.

"We are here." He said.

I look around confused. I guess I was expecting a bunch of people living in tents or something like that. However, the only thing I can see is trees.

Endless rows of trees. I think we are near Amity.

"Some base you got here." I laugh but it comes out as more of a snort.

Another gush of wind pushes past me making me shiver even more.

I cross my arms over my chest in an attempt to warm myself up. Spoiler alert it isn't working.

"This is just the front door."

"Well sorry big guy but I don't see a-"

As I was about to finish my sentence he bends down and moves a fake- yet very realistic looking- rock. Under it is a lever. He pulls it to the left and a trap door slides open revealing a long twisting staircase.

My jaw drops open which makes him smirk.

"Okay, I have to admit that is impressive."

His smirk grows bigger.

"Follow me."

My jaw refuses to shut as I watch him begin to descend the surprisingly sturdy staircase. Eventually, I snap out of my shock and follow him. 

Halfway down he pulls another lever and the trap door swings shut behind me with a bang, surrounding us in darkness.

"Great now I can't see." I groan.

From the dark, I can hear the flick of a switch and a bright light washes out the darkness. The masked man is holding a  light.

"Have a little faith stiff."

"My name is Beatrice." I snap.

"B-e-a-t-r-i-c-e," He said emphasizing and dragging out each letter," Nope too many syllables stiff is just easier."

"Jerk." I mumble under my breath.

After walking down I think about a hundred stairs we reach a large, thick, metal door. A keypad is attached to it instead of a handle.

"Look away." He commands.

"You serious." I chuckle.

"As serious as how much you are annoying me right now Stiff."

"Beatrice." I growl as I turn around.

I hear him punch in a five-digit password and the door clicks open.

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