Trace of Evidence

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It's early morning, I know that for sure.
However it's too early to be drenched
by a hose in a cold basement.

"Grandpa! Ple- stop!!" I whimper and beg but water is being shot in my face with intense pressure that it burns my eyes and lungs while breathing in.
"Dirty children like you need to be thoroughly cleaned." He's such an ass...I know he's not going to stop, so my only choice is to succumb and let it all happen. I ain't no victim....and there is no knight in shining armor that will help me escape from this hell...

"Enough. We don't want him getting sick and having to deal with his body." My grandma explains while she steps down those wooden stairs, crossing her arms in that fancy robe, showing off how she has a lifestyle...while I...

"Yes dear. Get up and go to school. Before you leave though, take a shower and clean up after yourself."
Never once since age twelve they let me have a long shower with hot's always cold and short.
I slowly lift myself and walk over to the stairs but since my eyes were so blurry from the water shards, I made the mistake in bumping into my grandma..

And of course they took it as a sign of attack-

*S L A P* hard across my face with such
impeccable force, It knocks me straight
against the wall. I should be used to all this terror and agony...but I still can feel! I still have emotions!!

I didn't get enough time to apologize.
My grandpa already had me by the neck
and slams me against the wall taking a big
swing at my stomach- Since I ate nothing...
only saliva and acid came out, burning my throat...

"AUHH-'' I gasp and fall to my knees, I lean against his legs but he kicks me away where I hit my head against the wall and fight the tears that are begging me to release and let them roll down, showing that I'm hurt, in pain...broken...

"I said Enough! If those marks show up during school hours and they call, YOU'RE explaining this time!" She shoves her husband up the stairs and closes the door, leaving him on the other side.
She walks back down and kneels in front of me...

It's funny...I have a view and angle to take a swing at her...but I'm aware if I do...than I'll never see the light of day again...isn't that what you want? A ticket out? If you do it, he'll come down and take it all away, but you'll feel the pain before you go-

"Sorry, he's in an upset mood because he hasn't had his coffee. Now, up you go~ dry off and go to school. You have a long walk in the rain." She cackles and hurries up those stairs I've fallen down many times...
During the years the doctors asked why I had so many fractures, they simply said I was dangerously clumsy and kept falling down them...

When in reality...they kept pushing me down, hoping I'd crack my head open...

Should have swung at her..should have, should have- "...let's just go...I need to see Diver..."
I clean myself up and cover the forming bruises
with makeup I had from Octo. Her along with my friends don't know that I'm abused at home...
nor do they notice...

It's for the better I suppose...Once I gathered my act I walk to the front door not even thinking about breakfast because I know they won't let me eat...
Only thing my friends know about them is that they don't let me have breakfast... 'That's a crime!' Straw would say...if she knew more...

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