I Promised You

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Aloha POV:

Disappear? Like, run away from this town and everyone who's in it? He wants me to run away?does this oblige for him? Does he want me gone?
I curl up closer to his body and listen to his heart that beats with a delicate rhythm. Even if I could run away, I'll still be alone.

In my thought process I feel his gentle touch rub over my head, convincing me that this will be okay-
"Army. I don't want to..because I refuse to be taken away from you.." my face begins to burn once I opened my mouth and said that- I do think he's different. But, he is the only squid here in this town that actually understands me and cares!

Leaving him, is something I won't accept. Gently he pulls me into his lap and sits up; rocking me in his arms. I lean my face into his chest and wrap my legs around his waist while he caresses my back; calming me down. "I promise that I'd give you sanctuary. I'm keeping that promise for you. Stubborn or not, I'm going to hide you."

Army. I lean away to stare at his eyes when suddenly I burst out laughing with joy! Pure joy that somehow hurts- "what are you going to do? She'll come for me tomorrow! I'll probably end up dead, which means you'll never see me again-" He pulls me into a hug shutting me up. "Let's go right now." He picks me up and walks to his bedroom then settles me down on the bed.

"Army don't, I said I don't need charity!" He doesn't listen and packs a few clothes. He wants to help. But I don't want it and yet I do. He's generous toward me even if I was such an asshole to him. He never gave up. He's not giving up. "I'm not getting through to you, so, I'll help you."

For two hours we spent packing for myself. Army made it clear that he's only going to hold me somewhere until he figures out a plan. For hours straight I worried that someone was going to come knocking on that door but we finished and now make our way to this 'hide out' Army has.

During the entire drive he made sure to comfort me by holding onto my hand. It's nice knowing he's here; this is where he belongs..with me-
"All right. Where here." Army steps out of the car
as do I and see this cabin surrounded
by trees like a barricade.

"It's not much but, hopefully this is where you can feel safe while I figure out what I could do for you."
I walk inside and see simple furniture with a kitchen and living room. Stepping around the cabin I see my bedroom and bathroom. There small but, I'm actually grateful. "It's great!" I smile
sitting down on my bed.

Army joins beside me as I see his hand hesitating to hold mine. So, I reach over and grip his hand, placing it in mine, refusing to let go.
"Can you stay here. You can head back home tomorrow, I just want someone around..." Army nods and lays down expressing a exhausted sigh.

I lay down beside him and we only are left looking up at the ceiling. "So? Do you trust me?" He turns his head and looks in my direction. I do the same and cuddle closer to his body. "I do. Please, just stay here for now." I whisper and slowly begin to close my eyes...

Army POV:

Aloha finally went to sleep. Now, I rest here with him on my chest once again...I'm terrified, to let him leave. I don't want his grandparents to be around him anymore, I don't want anymore people harming him! Doing this is a step in the right direction though. I have to figure something out though.

In my thoughts of how I can unfold this I only thought of one person who can give advise. I don't want to wake him, so I have to be slow getting away. And it took time but I managed to escape and walk to the living room where I can make a call.

"...Hey, can you visit my cabin. I need to talk with you." I hope this is a good idea. But I need some damn good advise for this if I'm going to make this work. After half an hour of waiting she finally arrives and knocks on the door. "Took you long enough" in
an aggravated tone I spoke and let Forge enter.

"Nice to see you too, Army. It's been a while." She throws her coat on the couch with an aggressive toss and stands glaring at me like she's ready for any kill.
"Okay, okay I know your mad-" I walk over trying to settle her down but she huffs and slaps me across my face. "...GEEZ! Ow! Forge, why..?" I whimper with a toddler attitude and sit down.

"Three days you have been gone and never gave an explanation. The last time we spoke something was wrong which made me worry that something may have happened to you!" Yeah that's right, I never did explain. I was going to, but never did because I couldn't bring myself to.

Might as well show her the situation. I stand up, letting her follow me until we stand outside of Alohas bedroom. She gasps baffled and closes the door dragging me back to the living room.

"Why's he here? Is he okay?" She seems panicked for some reason. Forge doesn't exactly hate Aloha, she just doesn't approve of his...choices. Her and I take a seat and talk over the problem at hand. I don't leave anything out because hopefully she can provide good news.

"His grandparents hit him...and he's addicted to drugs. Army, how did you get involve?" She's shouldn't ask that. It actually gets me rather pissed off. "I asked for this. I knew what I was in for. All I want to do his help him. So please Forge, is there anything at all that can help him?"

I'm desperate. I love Aloha, and I don't want him to get hurt anymore. Forge exhales and shakes her head not rather sure of her decision. "Aloha is still underage. They can charge you for kidnapping...they are his legal guardians and what we are doing is very much frowned upon."

She informs me as I sit and think this over.
"Why doesn't he just talk with police?" Yeah, that's
a good question. But honestly if it took Aloha this long to say something to anyone, I highly doubt that he would spill it all out to police.
He's scared that's why he doesn't talk-

"Aloha, is...frightened. He won't talk, it took him a while to tell me. Doubt he'll confess to the police; and if there was a trial he would probably clam up because of his grandparents." I desperately spoke and lean against the couch while she watches me with her intense eyes.

"...if  someone saw their actions; could that work, he doesn't say anything but-"

"But that means his grandparents would have to beat him. No. No, Forge that's out of the question." I nearly shout on the edge of my breaking point.
"Calm down. If he's scared to go to police, and if we go for him he'll back out and say it's a lie...so evidence is what we need...." I hate this.

But I won't let this happen.
Not unless we can't figure out a new idea.
Something simple and easy, that's it....
but this world isn't easy. I only need to
discuss with him about this. Maybe he'll
consider coming forward....

} Good luck In school 👍
I sure need luck for my GPA..

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