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Aloha POV:

"Aloha!" I hear him shout but only continue running farther away. This place is open and doesn't have many hiding areas; so my only choice is to duck and take shelter in a room. It wasn't long for Army to enter himself, with him blocking the only exit out.
Frantically I scatter my eyes in hopes to find something that can shield myself from him.

With every step he took in my direction I grew more enraged and scared of what he may do. It happened quickly when I did it...I backed myself into a wall and grabbed the nearest object only for me to end up swinging it roughly across Army's face. He lets out a shout of agony and drops to the floor, covering his jaw...I'm horrified by what I've done...

"ffffuuuuu" He winces on the ground. He came to close; I got scared...now he's gonna kick us out. Where will we turn? Back to Divers or to the hell house? He's not gonna let us stay. We're done, we're done, we're done. I'm a goner... "Army...? Listen, I'm sorry you got to close, I panicked and-"

"Are you okay?" He gives me soft generous eyes once I kneeled down beside him. I'm set aback by what he asked..am..I okay? Is he going into a shock? I'm the one that swung at him! "Sorry I made you worry. Are you okay?" He's- doesn't care about what I did?

"I'm better now...your face..." I touch his jaw gently while he looks into my eyes...my cheeks are burning.
"It will heal..." I notice how he wants to ask me something. I'm rather impatient with these type of things so I speak up and ask what does he have to say. He leans away from me and inhales a breathe before speaking-

"..you are being abused at home..aren't you." The way he said it. He must already know. Run run run run! I thought I covered my bruises..that day in the car...he saw them because he found me in that field....the needle injection!! But he only thinks I'm using!! "Your long pause doesn't help. But I'm also aware that your using." Army...How can he tell when my own friends can even see this!! It's such crap! "That's None Of Your God Damn Bushiness!!"

I stand and walk out of the room with him calling out my name only for me to ignore and find the exit to this house so I can locate somewhere else to stay. 
"I'm not judging you if that's why you're upset." He speaks while following me. I want to leave. I don't want to talk about this. "I JUST WANT TO GO!! Let Me Leave, So I can go to school..." I drop my anger and switch it for a quiet one.

"Well you can't go to school until Monday. The rest of the week is yours, do whatever you wish. Go, do what you want to do and I won't say a single word." He walks into the living room and sits down pulling out a deck of cards. He's using that stupid reverse psychology...

He's a prick in his own special way. With a groan I walk into the living room with him and settle myself down in a chair that's across from where he's at.
"If you don't want to go home, I'll be happy enough to take you to a hotel."

"I'm not some charity!!! I can make it on my one, thank you very much!" I see him lift a smile and continue with his cards. Since we are here at the moment might as well- "You saved me from killing myself..did you not?" He lift his eyes into mine and held them there for what felt like hours..

"Yeah." He goes back to shuffling his cards which confuses me since I thought he would be asking many questions as to why...he knows the reason! That stupid squid. Diver said he's not the kind to press on about things...Guess he was right...

"...how...how come you noticed things about me; when my own friends couldn't.." I'm shy asking this..making me feel pathetic..I don't face his direction but I hear that he's settled down his deck. "Different perspective..sometimes a stranger could see who you are; while your friends only seen the you, that you've put up for them."

He's not a stranger...unless he means people who are unlikely friends...? They know one another but don't truly know. "But also, If a person can see through someone...they themselves have seen or experienced that same agony or emotion." Has he had experience? Is that why he's able to see me?

"Why do you live alone?" Army widens his eyes baffled by what I asked him. He gives a smile and closes his eyes... "I just do. There's no actual reason."
He's really being stubborn about this but since I'm also stubborn I'll press on until he cracks.

"Sure there is. No teenager would live alone out in the forest so far away from town." Army gives a smile that's friendly and gentle...I hate how it makes my heart beat like a drum. My face flusters so my option is to turn away until he responds.

"I think every teenager would like to live alone." I give a chuckle and stand up walking over to sit beside him. "...I want you to tell me." My voice wasn't laced with any negativity but was simple and dry. No remorse, no happiness. It was just me.

"No. Sorry. You won't tell me things about you so I won't tell you things about me." Army you truly are evil. I grin and look at him...Is he going to let me stay here though? "Hey Army? You're going to let me stay, right?" He nods without hesitation and continues with his cards.

"Well, if I'm your new roommate how can I trust you, when I know nothing about you? For all I know you can be totally into me!" I glee with a sarcastic tone when he suddenly speaks.
"I am." I pause and drop everything in my body system...did he- "But I would never lay my hands on you. Not because I see you as a low life...but because I would rather take you out on a date first."

"And then what will you do once you take me out~"
I want to tease him and see if he's true to his word. And if not; I'm screwed. "Take me back here and have a little fun?~" I speak; climbing up onto his lap teasing him with my breathe that lays upon his neck while I feel him tense and quiver..

"Would you want me to scream your name-"
he covers my mouth before I could do anything at all. "Get off me. And yes, I'd take you back here because this is now your home." He sets me aside and stands up while I continue sitting on the couch.

"Wait!" He pauses before leaving anywhere else.
"I can actually stay..?" Without hesitation he nods with his smile... "I have the kitchen to clean; do whatever you like, just don't break anything."
He leaves me in the large living room with the view that's so spectacular it takes my breath away.
At least, I can rest here a few days...


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