Crying On The Inside

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"Aloha!! Dear god kid. Nearly gave me a heart attack!!" This is my dream. My father is here lifting me out of the cold waters I nearly drowned in. I cough and lay against him, so exhausted but happy that I had the chance to ride my first wave.

"Hon! Our son here, nearly rode his first wave!" My father expresses with glee; lifting me up; showing me off similar to when a person wins a prize. He sets me on his shoulders while I have a view of my mother approaching with her wonderful smile...

"Oh Aloha. Don't over do it, but now it's time we should eat." She takes her hands lifting me off from my fathers shoulders, now walking back to our little shack on the beach...Having dreams like these...they make me happy and fill me with glee...


I do really miss those days where I would run in the sun and play in the water with my parents. I want to be free and get away from this and go back to all that. Sadly, I'm here...waking up in a soft mattress- this- this isn't my room...where am I?

While sitting myself up I begin hearing the sound of a tv playing in some other part of the room. This isn't my room..this isn't my I...I'm in a hotel room. How? HOW DID I GET HERE!!!?
No!!! I didn't- did I sleep with Someone!??!

I stumble out from under the sheets and hit the floor frightened about the situation. What happened to me last night-- last night....I....I.....
Oh, Yeah that's right. I remember what happened.
I laugh with intense sorrow and lay there helpless; covering my body with horror, when suddenly; I hear someone approaching the bedroom.

They're still here. I wipe my face with my hands and stand up readying myself to be face to face with him.
"...oh god...of all the inkling. I slept with you?!" I narrow my eyes toward Army who looks exhausted for some reason. "Huh, uh no. We did not. I...only found you past out in the hallway." He seems on edge which is out of the ordinary for him.

"'re lying..." My exchange was silent and not meant for him. I was lucky enough for him not to hear me but then only walks closer and sets down a plastic bag beside me. "What's this?" I ask and look inside to see a fresh pair of clothes that don't even belong to me. "I'm sure you would like to get out of those clothes and into a fresh pair."

"Wow. These...these are great thanks.." I'm actually grateful he gave me such a gift and now strip off my shirt in front of him without a thought.
"OH G-God..." Startled by his remark I turn
and see his face become a glow stick.

"I-I'll be leaving now..." He walks away but his extreme reaction actually made me become intrigued. I stand and walk over to him until my hands are placed around his hips. "Auh! A-Aloha.
W-What are you d-doing..." He stutters as I turn
him around to be faced with me.

"What's wrong~ never seen someone shirtless before?~" I take hold of his tie and drag him onto the bed where I now am hovering over him. He blushes below and tries getting me off but I make the move to weaken him by kissing his neck. "A-Aloha!~
d-don't..." he groans and grips the bed sheets as I grow for him more.

Taking my hand, I now glide it down his shirt and start making my way to his shaft- "Aloha. STOP!"
He takes my face into his palm, until we meet
eyes to eyes. "Don't." He growls and pushes me off him. "What's the matter. Think you're to great of a person to be sleeping with a pathetic slut like me?"
I exclaim with a dry annoyed tone.

"What? No. Aloha I didn't say that!" He turns to be faced with me, defending himself with an apologetic tone. "Oh, I don't know~ it sure seems like the issue." The way he pushed me away. Kinda seems like he doesn't want anything to do with me.

"It's Not!! Listen, Aloha I have no issue with you-"

"But you think you're better, Admit it." Army turns away from me finally looking like he has had about enough. "I Don't! Sleep with anyone! I don't care! But the only reason you're crawling upon me is so you can get attention! Because the things you do, are all meant for attention; to get what you want!
You don't want me! You're just looking for another way to distract yourself from the issue; that is your life!!"

"..." the issue that is my life. Oh wow, he actually can see that but yet he has the audacity to say the thing he said. I'm not an attention seeker But he's right! I was only trying to tease him and use him for the fact that once I'm done, I have to go back home...

I scoff and roll my eyes laughing out loud but only feel tremendous pain through out my body.
"You- okay! You said it..." My voice cracks near the end as I stood and walked over to the door; exiting the room; leaving him in it alone.

I rush outside of the hotel that has many memories tied to it. I run down the streets and can only think of one final destination where I can lay low until my suspension is over...

"Open, Open, Open, Open, Open!!!" I bang my hands against my friends door until he finally answers in his boxers. " have company?" I question as he lets me in. "Nope~ just relaxing. Hey what happened to you last night? I couldn't find you. Were you getting some action in~" he jokingly laughs while I scatter around his place; looking for anything that I can take.

"Where are your blunts and other good treats." I frantically ask, walking down the halls to his home. He places a hand down on my shoulder than wraps it around my waist; pulling me closer.
"Relax babe~ It's all down stairs. I don't keep it up here or my folks might find out."

He easily takes the steps down but all I can see is me falling down with my body at the very bottom..
"Aloha? Let's go." He gestures and smirks with an evil grin like he has a plan at hand. I'm desperate at the moment so I suck what's left of my dignity up and follow him where we now reach the floor.

"This stuff is suuuper strong. So you'll need to take a few pauses in between." He gives me a small hit as I feel my body slowly become numb and urge for more. "Give me an entire bag. I'll need this when I return to school..." He packs up a few but doesn't hand it over causing me to be alarmed.

"What's up? You want money? Diver, I don't have that!" I desperately spoke as he walks over to sit on the couch placing the bag down between his legs.
I now understand what he desires.....

"Diver..." I spoke unsure about this situation and back away not wanting to sink that low...especially with my friend. He grins and shakes the bag indicating that he's growing impatient.
"'ll give me one more." I agree and kneel
down taking his boxers off that already show his hard boner. With his cocky grin he nods and takes my head, pushing it down.

I'm really pathetic. As I pleasure him, he moans
and shoves me more down onto his shaft that begins to gage me. "Oh~ Aloha..." He moans as my jaw now begins to hurt but I continue since I need his supplies and shelter for now...Army was right....
the things I do are meant for attention-
to get what I want....


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