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It has only been one day of my suspicion and hell is all it has been from the time they called my grandparents to the time I'm being drowned in the bathtub. Which is approximately at this single moment. My grandmother has her hand
pressed on the back of my head while
she shoves me face down into the cold
icy water, while my grandfather takes
the time to strike profusely at my legs
until they become a red bloody mess.

Nearly numb but I can still feel the agony the whipping brings- "You slimy boy! You made us look like improper care takers!! Don't see that makes us look bad!!" She slams my face into the water and brings me back up as I gasp and plead for her to stop the madness. Only I say something that gets her attention. "You ARE an improper care taker!! Don't you see what you're doing to me!! My father wouldn't HAVE THIS CRAP FROM YOU!!!"

I scream; than feel her hands wrap slowly around my neck...She twists me around urgently and shoves me down into the water with my head hitting against the bottom of the tub. It was plenty of enough force to make me dizzy and bleed; making the tub turn
an icky color...

Only thing I saw was her blurry silhouette
and crazy blood-shot eyes that scream maniac
as she dunks and chokes me; while I Listen to her maniacal laugher with water splashing and metal rattling against the air. This is my life...this is what I deserve for disobeying them...

It's cold on the tile floor. Water is below me and the window is cracked open to freeze me. They left me alone after an hour or two of my punishment, and
I can't remember; but I believe they left somewhere. Which means I remain to clean up their mess...

My legs hurt...and I feel nothing but scars and bruises...with a limp I walk over to the sink and grab my phone, that thankfully still works and unlock it.
I'm not capable enough to stay standing so with dead weight I fall; leaning against the counter...

"Heh...six-thirty...they get much exercise during their assault...huh?" While scrolling through my phone a message pops up on my screen that is
from my buddy Diver.

#HornDog: Hey hey! Want to join us at the hotel for a fun night!?

I can barely stand..but I rather be there than here in this hell house. It doesn't take much persuasion. I'm standing with discomfort and trying to numb the pain away by walking it off- enough effort can bring me long ways which makes me capable to walk into the hall and then my bedroom.

I text him back; slipping out my window. Leaving this place so I can ease the memory away with a few hard hits...
I was light as ever once I arrived. Diver greeted me at the front desk and guides me to the party that is said to have enough booze and cocaine to last two entire nights! This is what I needed. An easy fun night.

The music plays loud which flows through my ears making me dance with a loose rhythm. I don't regret anything I did, I danced with random people and took hits with them... I mostly spent my time with one person who was a little older than me, but I don't care~

I was high and wanted more, and luckily this guy was providing. He gripped my hips and started grinding against me, my hips swayed while my back arched, pleasuring his little friend that is becoming hard from the much attention it's receiving from my swaying motions.

"You're being a bad boy~ you turn me on any farther and I'll be taking you up to my room~" he purrs down into my ear while I dance more upon him; watching me with those glowing- god hungry eyes. I'm so out of it I didn't function what he said-

He drags me into a darker part of the room and then shows his 'affection' there. He lifts me up, straddling me on his waist and looks me up and down as if I'm a meal to him. I'm well aware;
he's the one who now has his pray...

"Such a sweet baby doll~ I want a taste of you now~" he leans in and kisses my neck; sucking and purring against me. This is wrong. I'm now aware I don't want this and am in a tight spot. I try pushing him off but he was powerful and forces me hard against the wall, trapping me close to his body.

"S-Stop..Please- I don't want this anymore!" I plead and try slipping out of his grip but he holds on tight. Then finally he has the audacity and reach down into my pants and grip my shaft with a hard tendency. I gasp and moan with a shocked expression. It turns him on, I can tell...I know I'm in for it-

"A slut like you should like this~ come on...Cry!" He starts pumping my shaft so extreme that it didn't take long for me to finish...I'm ashamed and embarrassed by what has happened- he drops me down and leaves me helpless in the corner with music still blasting...

A numb ringing noise can be heard in my ears...I can't help but feel useless and sick- I'm scared and tired. Harmed...I'm harmed....I'm hurting...and no one came to help- I feel my tears burn down my cheeks as I walk out of the room and enter the elevator that will lead me to the tip top floor.

The view is beautiful...has a great overview of the city. The air is nice, light and peaceful. I walk further out onto the balcony to see closer; to see it all so clear. This air feels free..I'm leaning on the edge and look down to see nothing but the tiny people below passing by. Could I fly if I jump? I'm honestly curious. With curiosity, it gets the better of me.

I find myself walking along the edge of the parapet and waddle my way across singing to myself as the winds begin to pick up. I extend and raise my arms more, feeling as if I'm some type of bird; ready to take flight.

I'm crying again. Heh. I'm so pathetic. Guess I'll never make it in the show business...I turn and face the bright blue moon. So beautiful and never has to feel ashamed. "Can..I be like you?" That's when I lean forward and fall over the edge.

So fast, I never felt it. I heard the winds whistle for a second but then I suddenly was tugged by my arm.
I hear a groan and feel a hand around my arm, that pulls me back up and over.

I lunged forward and fall into a strangers arms. I hear his sobs and beating heart race in his chest. He shakes with fear as he holds me close. His voice was delicate and kind, a tone I barely hear now a days. He talks to me but I'm exhausted to listen..I feel his warm body and soft hands around me and something tells me I'm in, I fall into a deep sleep...and wait for the next day.


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