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chapter eleven ~ the one with a rooftop weddingJoey's POV

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chapter eleven ~ the one with a rooftop wedding
Joey's POV

The rooftop was decorated beautifully with fairy lights hung across the top, creating a ceiling which would hopefully keep some of the guests warmer on this chilly December afternoon. It looked similar to the night when Joey had proposed only now, the floor was covered with makeshift seating. There hadn't been enough time to find designer chairs that all looked the same, so they had gathered chairs from Central Perk and also from their own apartments and brought them up to the rooftop. They had left some of the bigger chairs and stools in the Coffee House as that was where all the guests would go for the after party but they all needed somewhere to sit for the actual ceremony to take place. There were equal chairs on both sides of the room, one side for Heather's family and the other for Joey's, although their friends were going to be given the choice to sit wherever there was space. There were flowers tied to some of the chairs so that it would feel more like a wedding and guests were handing out blankets to cover their laps so that they wouldn't get cold.

Most of Joey's family had already taken their seats, his sisters took up most of the chairs as they huddled together to keep warm. It was their own fault for being cold as they each wore very short dresses with no sleeves; hoping that their brother might have a cute single friend that they could start dating, but also very excited for Heather to officially be a part of the family. Both of their grandmothers were in the audience, waiting for the ceremony to start and speaking Italian to each other so the other guests wouldn't know what they were saying. On the other side of the room sat Carol and Susan, waiting with a camera for little Ben to make his big appearance as the ring bearer and more than happy to be invited to the big event. Nick was not far from the front, with an empty seat beside him so that Melissa had somewhere to sit once she had finished playing violin. Gunther had surprisingly taken his seat on her side of the room and was having a deep conversation with one of her old neighbours, Steve, who wasn't happy that Ross would be at the ceremony.

Music played softly from where Melissa sat, playing the violin sweetly so that the bridal party could walk down the aisle. Joey was already stood at the end of the aisle, with Treeger, who somehow was ordained and would be conducting the ceremony; he was surprisingly professional when it came to the vows and had practised many times with the couple that morning, to make sure that he wouldn't mess anything up, which they thought was adorable. In the front row sat the parents of the bride and groom, Nora and Charles on one side and Joseph Sr and Gloria on the other. The two sets of parents hadn't met before but sent each other warm smiles from opposite sides of the rooftop, keeping themselves warm with their big furry coats. Nora and Charles hadn't spoken to each other and just sat down, hoping to spend the entire evening avoiding each other as they didn't get on. Phoebe was the first person to walk down the aisle, taking her role as not only a bridesmaid but also as a flower girl, very seriously; throwing rose petals on the ground as she walked and making sure to smile at every guest as she did so.

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