twenty three

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chapter forty five ~ the one with a runaway groomHeather's POV

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chapter forty five ~ the one with a runaway groom
Heather's POV

Even though we were all worried that Monica was going to end up raising a baby by herself now that Chandler had disappeared, we had to push the news of the pregnancy as far back as possible because we had a wedding to think about. In just a few hours, Monica would be in her wedding dress and walking down the aisle but it was up to us to ensure that she was walking down the aisle to Chandler, rather than to no one. Ross told us that he needed help with the search mission and I put myself forward to go, even though none of them wanted to face the wrath of Joey when he knew that I had been up and down the city looking for my brother. I was the only person that would know where to find him, well, except for Monica but we couldn't tell her about this because it would completely ruin her day. The one place that Ross hadn't looked was his office because he didn't know how to get inside, luckily, they recognised me at the building after I had visited him so many times and they were happy to let me in straight away.

"So, this is your office." Ross looks around as I lead him to the right room and push open the door, my brother was sure enough sat behind his desk and was shocked to see us in the doorway.

"How did you guys find me? I knew I should have hidden at the gym."

I stepped inside and crossed my arms over my chest, trying to understand what he was thinking. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Panicking and using the internet to try to prove that I'm related to Monica." He pointed towards his computer before looking guiltily at us. "How is she?"

"She's fine. She doesn't know you're gone. And she doesn't have to know, okay?" Ross tried to coax him out of the room but I could tell this wasn't going to be easy. "Now, come on, we're going home."

Chandler stood up from his seat but only so that he could move further away from us. "No, no, I can't do that."

"Why not?" I asked, wanting to understand why he was so freaked out about this.

"Because if I go home, we're going to become the Bings." He answered. "I can't be the Bings."

"What's wrong with being the Bings?" Ross questioned, not understanding the big deal but that was probably because he had already been married three times and didn't understand how nervous people are before their big day.

"The Bings have horrible marriages. They yell, they fight and they use the pool boy as a pawn in their sexual games. That's why heather changed her name, so she wouldn't be a Bing anymore."

Ross shook his head. "Chandler, have you ever put on a black cocktail dress and asked me up to your hotel room?"


"Then you are neither of your parents." He exclaimed, making both me and my brother shake our heads at him because that joke wasn't helping the situation.

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