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chapter eighty one ~ the one with eyebrow waxingHeather's POV

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chapter eighty one ~ the one with eyebrow waxing
Heather's POV

It had been a pretty relaxed day; I had finished up the papers with my last client and was taking a day off work. Melissa was in the office and was going through applications that we had sent out for interns, deciding who had potential and who was just trying to weasel their way into the company. We wanted hard workers, not people who just wanted money, which was harder than you'd think in this industry. On my day off, Joey had also had some time off and finished filming everything for the next episode of Days of our Lives; meaning that we had the afternoon together for some family time. We took Matteo for a day at the park and let Mozzarella run around to let off some steam. I felt bad for him being cooped up in the apartment most of the time which was why a long afternoon walk in the park was such a good time. Sometimes, I had to pinch myself to remind myself that this was really my life and this was the family that I had created after nine years in New York. It was crazy to think that when I first moved here, I was dating a completely different guy, was unemployed and had no friends. Now I was running my own business, married with a child and had a group of friends that were practically my family.

Despite the peaceful afternoon, Joey had explained to me something that he was struggling with and I gave him my honest answer. Of course, he didn't think that was right and wanted someone else to talk to him about his problem. The only place that we could head to for answers, Central Perk and obviously some of our friends were already there. Monica and Phoebe were sat on the couch, sipping cups of coffee and had no idea that we were about to crash their coffee date. I was still arguing with him as we entered the coffeehouse, I was holding Mozzarella's lead and Joey was pushing the buggy into its usual place next to the stools. Even though Gunther hadn't loved the idea of dogs in his pride and joy, he had really taken to Mozzarella and he was the only dog given permission to stay inside the coffeehouse; even ordering special dog treats for each visit he made.

"I don't know what the big deal is, lots of guys have it done these days."

Joey wouldn't look at me as he took a seat on the stool. "It's weird."

"I could do it for you, you know, make it less weird." I replied, getting comfortable on the armchair and feeding Mozzarella one of his treats because he had been on his best behaviour recently.

"That makes it more weird. That oversteps the boundary of what a husband and wife should do, it's too intimate."

"Well, that made me rethink every intimate moment we've ever shared." I muttered under my breath, before trying a different approach because I was really good at things like this and I could do a good job. "Seriously, I'm good at stuff like this, my dad practically raised me doing it."

"Do we want to know what you guys are talking about or will we get scarred for life?" Monica interrupted, desperate to understand what was going on because we weren't being very clear and could be talking about anything.

"Let me ask you guys something." Joey said, leaning on the stool so that only they would be able to hear him and his secret wouldn't reach the ears of the other customers. "I'm having new headshots taken tomorrow, right? And the photographer said that she thinks I should have my eyebrows waxed. Is that weird for a guy?"

Phoebe shrugged. "Well, it depends."


"On how far along he is in the sex change process." She laughed and I couldn't help but giggle under my breath, not expecting her to say something like that.

"No, I totally disagree." Monica intervened, trying to console him before he completely freaked out about the whole thing. "I think it's fine for a guy to do something like that. Especially an actor. I mean, not that you need to, your eyebrows are..." She trailed off as both the girls turned their heads and made faces at his eyebrows.

"What? Okay, stop it, you guys." He tried to cover his eyebrows so that they'd stop staring at him because it made him uncomfortable. "Stop staring, you're freaking me out."

Monica scoffed. "I hope Matteo doesn't inherit your eyebrows."

"Wow, your knuckles are kind of hairy too." Phoebe pointed out and that just freaked Joey out more than anything else.

"Oh, man, now I have to get those done too?"

"Wow, talk about high maintenance."

He wasn't happy with being called high maintenance and tried to argue back. "Hey, you dye your hair."

"I'm a woman." She retorted, glad to have some backbone to her argument.

"Ah, double standards." Joey snapped, crossing his arms over his chest and sulking because he wasn't looking forward to having to wax everything for this photoshoot.

Phoebe turned the conversation back to something more mundane, asking Monica and I a question that she had almost forgotten. "Before I forget, are you coming to Mike's piano bar tonight?"

"Only if I don't have to get up and sing."

"But everybody sings. It's so much fun. Last time this adorable old man got up there; forgot all the words, flipped out and everyone booed him off the stage. It was so funny."

"I'm just not good at singing."

Trying to force Monica to come would be harder than expected. "Oh, what's the matter? You scared? You afraid I'm a better singer? You afraid I'm going to beat you at singing?"

"Nope, it's not working on me." She smirked, proud of herself. "Wow, I must be growing up."

"Fine, just please come and support Mike. You don't have to sing. What about you, Heather?"

Shaking my head, I silently thanked Joey for being busy that night, taking the night shift at work to shoot some extra scenes because it meant I had to watch Matteo. "I wish I could come but I'm on baby duty."

"Why don't you-"

"I'm not bringing Matteo to a bar." I interrupted, knowing that it would end in chaos and I couldn't get drunk like we used to, I had things to take care of now, including my husband. "Even if I really wanted to, it's not the right place for a baby. Besides, I have to be around to support Joey when he gets back from his waxing appointment."

a/n: i really don't want the easter holidays to end 🥺 -lizzie ⭐️

date published: 07/04/21

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