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chapter sixty one ~ the one with first stepsHeather's POV

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chapter sixty one ~ the one with first steps
Heather's POV

Things had gotten more chaotic in the apartment ever since my husband thought it would be a good idea to adopt a dog whilst also adjusting to being new parents. I couldn't complain though because this was exactly what my ideal future had looked like and even if it was chaotic, that was the kind of thing that I had been desperate for. Growing up in a completely silent home other than hearing the fights between your parents, something like this was exactly what I wanted and it was how Joey had been brought up. His family was so big that there was never a time for silence and that's something that I loved about them, now that I was a part of that family, it made sense that we weren't going to stay peaceful for long. I was just glad that Joey had decided on a dog other than something else because I was sure that he wanted another baby but Matteo wasn't even one yet and we didn't have time for another kid. Mozzarella was more well behaved than my son, which made things easier and even though he was only about two years old, he was trained better than I had assumed.

However, our schedules were more hectic now and not only was I moving Matteo around the streets but I also had a dog to walk and look after. Meaning that I not only took my son wherever I was going but I also had a leash dragging my little white dog behind me, wherever I needed to go. Mozzarella had a soft spot for Central Perk which was unfortunate because Gunther didn't like dogs and hated when I tried to bring him inside. Sometimes I wouldn't argue and would sit outside for a change but today I didn't have Joey with me and there was no other option, the dog had to come inside with us. I was not prepared to stand in the street with my dog and my baby, trying to enjoy a cup of coffee; Gunther was just going to have to accept that we were a package deal and let us sit otherwise he would lose a valid customer. As I pushed open the door, I could already see that Phoebe, Monica and Chandler were on the couch and Rachel waved at me from the armchair. Thinking that I could slip inside without the owner seeing me as he was nowhere to be seen, I continued walking towards my friends but then I heard the dulcet tones of the owner. "No dogs."

"Please?" I begged, turning around to face Gunther. "I can't leave him outside."

"No dogs."

"If I said his name was Gunther, would that make a difference?"

"Heather, I'm not changing the rules for you." He snapped, obviously not liking that I was disobeying the rules but we had known each other for years and I wasn't going down without a fight.

"Come on, Mozzarella is less likely to poop on the carpet than Matteo. Please let him stay?"

"No." Leaning down to my dog, I squished his face and pouted, using the best begging technique I could think of. "But look at his little face, you can't say no to that face, can you?"

Gunther tried really hard to keep a straight face but eventually gave in and sighed loudly, as I tried not to look too excited about my victory. "Fine, but one foot out of line and he's gone."

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