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chapter twenty six ~ the one with days of our livesHeather's POV

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chapter twenty six ~ the one with days of our lives
Heather's POV

Everyone was proud of Joey for his achievements in the acting world as he was working harder than ever to pursue his dreams and we were all proud of him for landing the starring role in his own television show. We were all admittedly worried about Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E because the script didn't sound that impressive but Joey was excited about it and we were all happy for him. He loved what he was doing and that was all that mattered to us. Some people had wondered financially if it mattered that sometimes Joey didn't have a steady career but I had a good job and we were sharing our rent with Rachel. As a married couple, we paid half of the rent and Rachel paid the other half, she also had a good paying job and could afford the rent easily with money left over. So, the fact that this job was paying my husband, was good for us too because we had more money to put aside for when we really needed it.

Tonight, was the first episode of Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E to be released for the world to see and we were all slightly nervous about what was going to happen. None of us knew whether the script may have improved since the first time that we had read it and we had no idea what kind of budget the filming had, so anything could happen. However, when we actually sat down to watch the show, our biggest nightmares came true because it was one of the worst things that I had ever watched and we had seen a lot of bad plays that Joey had been involved in before. Joey and I were tucked on the armchair, staring at the television screen so that he wouldn't be able to see my reaction when unusual things happened. Rachel sat on the arm of the chair and the others were squashed on the couch; all of them staring at the screen as if they had no idea what they had just witnessed. Truth be told, I had no idea what we had just witnessed either.

Joey lifted up the remote and muted the television so that we could all talk about the show, something that we always did but this would be hard because there weren't many good things to say about it. "So, what did you guys think?" He was happy with the show, as he was still laughing at the final joke that had been told but the rest of us hadn't found it funny and we had no idea what to say to him.

We all remained silent, scared that if we did say something then it would be the wrong thing to say and we could potentially hurt his feelings. Sitting in silence, we carefully looked at each other and waited for someone to get the ball rolling but then our prayers were answered when the phone began to ring and everyone almost dashed to answer it. Hoping that this would be enough to end the conversation before it got too awkward to handle. It seemed like everyone woke up as the phone rang because this was our one way of getting out of here, and everyone silently hoped that it was a phone call for them so that they could make up an excuse to leave the room; never having to talk about this television show again. "The phone, the phone!" Ross pointed as everyone began shouting at the same time.

"I got it, I got it!" Monica stopped everyone from shouting, she was closest to the phone and therefore she was the one who answered it. "Hello? Hold on, Joey, it's your mom."

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