Chapter 13 - The Sunset

Start from the beginning

"We got to go quick love, I still got more to show," Jack told her "stuff is all packed."

"Okay give me a minute," Lydia glanced to the crew "thank you all. You've become my family, I care for every single one of you. I wish you all the best."

"Oi we're coming back love The Pearl's still mine," Jack put his arm around her "yeah but she's right you boys aren't that bad."

"What was that Jack?" Barbossa inquired.

"I'll take it back!" He pointed. 

Everyone laughed as Jack uncomfortably loaded himself into the boat, begging Lydia to come and sit with him. She climbed in after giving everyone a hug each, thanking all of them individually. It wasn't a goodbye, like Jack said, but even for a short while she wanted to express her gratitude. Though they wouldn't be gone for long, it still felt like a goodbye in a strange way.

"Goodbye!" Lydia waved as they began to be lowered.

"Don't drink all your supply so fast!" Gibbs shouted.

"And don't get sick of each other!" Pintel added.

"Oh I think that's impossible," Jack said.

Barbossa didn't think of himself as someone to get upset at goodbyes. He believed he was strong enough with his emotions not to be affected. However his eyes watered as he lowered his hat, watching Jack and Lydia's waves getting closer to the sea. He had a ship, his ship. It took him so long to get it back, though it wouldn't be the same without them. Even if it would be for a short period.

The rest of the crew staggered their reactions. Some cried, Regetti using Pintel as a way to blow his nose. If you passed you may say they resembled a group like the lost boys saying goodbye to Peter Pan. They didn't know who they were without him. Lost really. Jack Sparrow completed the pack, without him the crew isn't the same. He brought the charisma, the craziness only he possessed. No one could take his place no matter how long he would be gone for.

Standing at the foot of the beach was Elizabeth Turner, her feet lapping the water and she stood with her hands on her hips. Jack rowed them in quickly, seeing how antsy Lydia was becoming. She was barely on the seat, waiting to launch off the boat and to her best friend. And Jack couldn't blame her. Once they settled Lydia did just that, jumping out and sprinting to Elizabeth's arms, almost taking her to the floor.

"Wow wow you're welcome?" Elizabeth laughed.

"It's so good to see you again. Thank you, Jack told me," Lydia said.

"Yes well, everything is set up how Jack wanted, he was quite specific," Elizabeth joked as Jack walked to beside Lydia "you two deserve a break."

"I believe we do," Jack took Lydia into his side "cheers Lizzy. Means a lot."

"Please don't thank me, enjoy!" She stepped to the side and let the couple venture on.

They hadn't changed in Elizabeth's eyes, still the same, just as giddy for each other. Elizabeth had been on the same island before, she saw the spark before even they did. She would do anything for Lydia, and that came with helping Jack too. Although not always agreeing with him, she will never get over the pink that shines on Lydia's cheeks everytime they're together. So she can look past it all. As long as he doesn't hurt her, Jack doesn't have to worry about Elizabeth.

Ahead of them was a neatly made fire, lanterns decorating the trees behind it. Covering the sand was a long tarp, blocking the sand from their feet. Rum bottles scattered around, definitely Jack's request but he deserved it. Lydia didn't need anymore, she had him.

"It's beautiful Jack. I love it, I love you," she kissed him on the cheek.

"Sit with me."

Couching down, Jack sat behind Lydia and wrapped his arms around her, her draping her head onto his chest. They faced out to the ocean, just as the Pearl was disappearing into the distance. Nuzzling in close, Lydia sighed as she felt her cheeks warm up, butterflies in her stomach. Jack's hand brushed to her necklace, feeling it in his fingers.

"Do you remember how last time we were here, I said that the Pearl was my freedom?" Jack asked.


"Well it's changed. You're my freedom, because being with you has changed me, I can't explain it," Jack chuckled.

"You can be so cheesy when you want to be. You're my freedom you know. I may have never left Port Royal if it weren't for you," she said "my life has changed because of you."

"Is that a good thing?"


If he could pull her any closer Jack did. Across the horizon was the sun, falling down slowly. They say orange and turquoise go together, and they are entirely correct. Because although they are opposites, furthest away with what's thought to be no similarities, they fit together like they are made for each other. It's correct to say they match together as time and time again it's proven. From something as obvious as a sunset, something everyone sees, can signify many things.

A sunset comes right before darkness. The opposites of orange and turquoise blend together until they are nothing but the Royal blue of the night. You can say the sunset is dying, saying goodbye before the cycle repeats the next day. But what if it shows the two colours coming together before the end. That the end isn't them dying, but joining together because they belong together. And everyone waves goodbye not with tears in there eyes but with smiles. Because sunsets aren't something to be sad about, they're beautiful parts of life. They'll come back the next day and a new set of orange and turquoise will join together. Yes you're saying goodbye to the ones before, but the next sunset can be just as stunning, if not more.

Jack and Lydia didn't see this as the end of anything. They weren't saying goodbye, but hello. They were starting a new life other pirates dream of. Other people dream of. Finding that point where they are completely happy and content with the events of their lives so far. It can be hard to get to that place, a place where you feel nothing can stop you. But once you are there, and all the pain is gone, you'll see. You're so much better than you were before.

Turquoise and orange always reminded the couple of each other. Orange reminded Lydia of Jack's charm and fire, how warm he can be. Turquoise reminded Jack of how dainty Lydia was when he first met her, but now it reminds her of how unique beauty. It wasn't a colour he saw often, but it always stood out as his favourite. Like the sea, something gentle but with so much power when used. Gazing out to the sunset they both thought of each other. Sunsets remind them of each other but also them together.

"I am so in love with you," Jack deadpanned.

"So am I pirate."

"Oh don't forget, you're the pirate," Jack mumbled in her ear "Port Royals finest."

Stifling a laugh, Lydia turned to kiss him, their eyes shutting out the view ahead of them.

Afar the Pearl disappeared with the sun, waves wrippling by them. The ship with a thousand stories, holding tales thought to be unimaginable. When a chapter ends another one begins. Try not to forget how great the previous one was, but who knows, this one could be just as good. Perhaps not as good as the one before it, but it will be one to remember. The painter who became a pirate, who fell in love with a man who believed he was incapable of love. It wasn't a story to tell the children, unless you leave out the parts about death. It was a story that their friends will remember, it didn't matter if the whole world knew their names. As long as they had each other, that's all they needed.

THE END (for real this time)

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