Chapter 11 - The Trick

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The day had come. Saba was in their sight, an island bigger than the last, cut off by a long stretch of jungle. Trees disguised the mountains far into the land, a wall of emerald green like no other. The sky was clear and turquoise, fluttering down to the white sand by the waters. Lydia was dragged outside by the shackles on her wrists, gasping as she saw the islands beauty. Her parents, as smart as they were, had picked the perfect location, an island so much like themselves. Beautiful and full of secrets. Of course they picked the island with the longest trek, but the easier it were for them to escape before they got to the treasure.

Her royal blue dress pooled down to her ankles as she stumbled forward, O'Malley watching the island ahead. Forced by his side, Lydia scanned the deck for any sign of her crew, just as they were being heaved one by one to the deck next. A smile crossed her face as she saw Jack was alive, and that he was healing despite the clear ache in his legs. Barbossa and Gibbs followed him, rather suspiciously eyeing up the other men onboard, like they were counting them. As their eyes met hers they made a noise seeing her in the dress for the first time.

Jack had described it. Described it's intricate patterns and how it fitted her like it was designed especially for her, yet they believed it was Jack being Jack. How he always talked of her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world, which was never something they could deny. Her shoulders slumped as she got used to the chains around her wrists, twisting her arms to get any sort of leverage. Subtly, Barbossa elbowed Jack, titling his head to Lydia so his attention would be on her. Jack's eyes softened immediately.

Even doing something as simple as making sure her wrists wouldn't run raw, she still was so beautiful. His breath hitched at the sight of her, still perfect when she was so broken. Sleep had aided her, giving her time to gain strength and courage needed for the next event. Her makeup was gone, her hair was up in a ponytail with little beads threaded through and her dress was securely on. Although in the puffy dress, Lydia stood with as much confidence as she could muster, glaring at anyone who even dared to look her way.

"As per our ladies request we'll take you all along with us," O'Malley announced "though I was skeptical best to give madam's dying wish a run at least."

"You said no harm was going to come of her. Going back on your word again mate?" Jack smirked.

"Well when she told me she agreed with you ruining my life I thought she was fair game huh dear?"

Rolling her eyes, Lydia looked away the best she could, difficult when omalley was holding the chains binding her wrists together.

"Silent treatment that's alright. Load the boats! No one rests till we find the treasure!" He shouted, tugging Lydia along to his boat.

Reaching the beach was easy. Soon O'Malley's crew had their captives in an orderly huddle, Lydia in the front with O'Malley holding her chain. Peter blocked her off from Jack, mumbling to himself as he held Lydia's bag. After informing them that she needed the journals to understand the secret code to get to the treasure, Lydia was allowed a few of her belongings to be carried by Peter, something O'Malley grinned at. Seeing his son moan silently with the satchel in hand, his sword in his other, was not a bad sight for him.

Yet what he didn't see behind the scrunched up face and unrecognizable grumbles, was that Peter's mind was somewhere else, watching Lydia. Although his grip was tight on his sword he was completely relaxed, formulating his own plan, like everyone appeared to be doing. He wanted her. He wanted her in her beautiful gown and soft hair, and he wouldn't stop until he had her. Peter imagined slipping away with her, escaping the Pearl and O'Malley and living how he dreamed of. A little cottage in a blanket of fields stretching over the horizon, Peter and Lydia. His lips twitched into a smile. Before he didn't care for her, he was prepared to use her for his father's revenge, but now it was different. Now he couldn't bare let her die. Because he wanted her for himself.

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