Chapter 1 - The Celebration

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The group smashed their tankards together with a cheer, their drinks filled to the brim with rum. Most of theirs we should say, Lydia refusing to let the bar maid fill hers up more than half way. They had been drinking well into the afternoon and now coming evening, almost all of the group members, particularly Pintel and Regetti, way past what you could call sober. Came forth an ensemble of laughs and cheers, cheering anyone who had done anything in the battle that just ensued.

Rum. All you could smell was rum, seeping off the table as they splashed their drinks, the bar maids flouncing their way past the table with drinks in hand, even Jack the monkey smelt of it, Lydia questioning how he snuck some in the first place. This tavern, although extremely full with Tortuga's regular residents, had become their home for the past few hours. They all huddled round a circular table in the far corner of the room, Lydia sat next to Jack though he was very adamant she should sit on his lap. Unfortunately for him she turned him down. Gibbs was on her other side, downing many tankards and sneaking some into his flask for later. Pintel and Regetti were seeing who could drink more and from the looks of things Pintel was winning, Regetti far too scrawny to down that much that fast. Even Barbossa joined them, a smile on his face replacing his otherwise cold exterior. He didn't speak much that afternoon but you could see him trying to hold back his laughs at Jack's terrible jokes.

Speaking of, Jack was the center of it all. He always thrived on having all eyes on him, and tonight was surely that. They'd defeated not one but two great beasts that day, he couldn't help but boast. Some tables beside them would watch now and then. Wether that would be because they were being too loud or word spread fast of their victory, Lydia didn't care. In that moment she felt her heart beat so fast, being a part of something. A group, a team, a crew, all the ways she would describe those around her. Seeing the faces that had become her family felt so exhilarating. Having Will and Elizabeth here would be great too. But they were probably canoodling on some island far from here.

That's what she hoped for them.

"And here's to Cotton's parrot who when we needed him most, ditched us like we meant nothing to him," Jack shook his head as Cotton grew slightly pink at the sudden barrage of his parrot.

"And to Miss Lydia for her swell kick to the old fishface as she calls him!" Pintel raised his glass, everyone laughing at her nickname for Davy.

"What can I say I have pretty strong legs," Lydia laughed.

Jack pulled a face as if to say that's true and the rest continued drinking until their glasses were empty. Dumping the cups down, Jack sighed when he saw the state of his, spying over everyone's glasses to see if they were all done. And they were.

"Another round?" Jack offered.


"I'll get them," Lydia suddenly stood up.

"You sure love? We can get someone to bring them," Jack said.

"No it's fine I need to use the lady's room anyway," She smiled before walking away.

At the door of the tavern stood two men, one a lot older than the other. The older one, leaning heavily on the door frame, had a roughly shaven face, stubble grey and bristly, paired with dark blue eyes like the night. His hair came just under his ears and was greasy like he hadn't bathed in weeks, matching the bags under his eyes. You would not want to cross this man, his bulky clothing telling you to run the other way in fear there was more under his black jacket.

The other man was far the opposite. Young, maybe mid twenties, with light curls on the top of his head peaking through his hat and bright green eyes more vivid than leaves off a tree. Any woman would fall deep into a trance just by looking at him, and that was the goal. He faintly leant on the wall beside his captain, twiddling his thumbs as he watched the table in the corner. The one where she was sat.

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