Chapter 13 - The Sunset

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It took a few days to get to where Jack had his surprise. The whole time he did well with not slipping up, even when the rest of the crew almost did. Lydia would not so subtly try and get them to spill, but the crew can be very secretive when they want to. She gave up after the first few days. Passing back the previous island they visited, Barbossa insisted they go back to retrieve their weaponry, mostly due to him losing his favourite pistol. Once they had it all they returned back on their journey, Jack now having two swords for himself. He had a good laugh running around with the two for hours, their rum supply dropping by the day. But for Jack's unknown reason, he didn't want the crew to have his favourite rum. So he drank all of it.

Lydia did a great job avoiding him after that, because if he was handsy before, he's even more handsy blackout drunk. After some "gentle" encouragement, more Jack forcing her, Lydia joined the drinking antics, pretending she was drinking more than she actually was. Someone had to be the responsible one amongst all the pirates.

The days it took to get to the mystery location were some of Lydia's favourite, being back on the Pearl for just leisure, and not for some dying adventure. Peaceful. Waking up every day in Jack's arms ready to spend the day drawing or playing Barbossa's game "Guess Who?" until one of them got bored and wanted a drink. Lydia didn't touch the last journal, not wanting to be pulled to another adventure. She wanted to spend these days doing absolutely nothing but laughing. And so that's what she did.

"You ready to see where we are?" Jack asked with his hands covering Lydia's eyes.

"Just let me see already," Lydia swatted his hands away from her eyes.

Blinking them open, Lydia's eyes settled on a faint island in the distance, too far for her to identify. Manouvering down the stairs and further down the deck, she studied it like she was being tested. The crew struggled to keep their cheesy smiles down, Regetti nudging Pintel excitedly. As she took in the full island, as well as another ship that graced into her eyesight, her face widened. Her mouth dropped open, looking back to Jack who shrugged.

Like lightning, she raced to the end of the ship, leaning out to take in every inch of the view. The second ship was at some distance, but close enough for her to identify it. Pirate King, Elizabeth Turner's ship was bobbing up and down in the gentle waves, with what seemed to be people on the beach. Not just any beach, the same island Lydia, Jack and Elizabeth were marooned on soon to be two years ago. Sighing, Lydia turned round to where Jack stalked up behind, more smug than she'd ever seen him.

"You brought us here?" Lydia pondered "why?"

"Because this was the place I first realized you were the one for me, and I hope you did the same?" Jack said as she giggled and nodded "it was also where we first kissed if I remember correctly. We wanted some time away from all of this and that's what we're going to do. I untrusted lovely Elizabeth to help set this all up, surprised she got here in time if I'm honest."

"When did you have time to set this up?" Lydia hugged him.

"I got the letter out when we were in Port Royal, the lads helped a bit," he said.

"I bit? Got the bloody letter out in the first place, threatened a poor sailor and everything," Barbossa scoffed behind them.

"The point is, we want some time just the two of us but these lot still want to pirate," the crew silently cheered as Jack continued "so I'm letting Hector have a little spin of the Pearl while we have a little holiday. Granted he's careful to my girl," Jack spyed over his shoulder.

Rolling his eyes, Barbossa winked.

"She's in safe hands."

Jack raised his head to the sky as the sun was slipping by faster than he wanted. Hurriedly he rubbed Lydia's arms and pulled her away from the end of the ship, to where the crew already set up a boat for them.

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