Chapter 12 - The Couple

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Holding hands never felt so comforting. As they trekked through the jungle, eyes tired and arms sore, Jack and Lydia clutched each other's hand tightly. Every so often Jack would move to brush his thumb against her knuckles, a small bit of reassurance that they were completely safe. Because nothing else came between them, not even a wild animal in the early morning could attack.

Fireflies lit their way as the crossed the neverending trees and bushes, a soft blue beginning to wake in the sky. Although having barely any sleep they were more awake than ever, taking in the path ahead of them. Lydia had her bag wrapped around her, her journal in her free hand where the previous deciphered codes lied. Their crew was behind them, Barbossa and Gibbs observing the morning glow. It was covered in mist, clear sky's leaving light trails of light through the leaves on the trees. It was peaceful. The mountains in the distance grew wider the closer they became, reaching as high as they could.

Without a map it was difficult, blinding them from any possible clues, but they kept pushing, venturing deeper with every step. Lydia kept her head high, imagining how the stunning scenery would look in her sketchbook or on a canvas. The stretches of emeralds and limes dashing across the page. She would have to save that for later.

As they got deeper, the pattern of the jungle started to shift. From humid trees became clearer paths, rocks in the ground creating and almost footpath. Halting the group, Lydia crouched down and inspected the stones, not for anything in particular, but for something that could help them. They were smoothed down and faintly covered in moss, showing their age. As her eyes dragged up, the slabs continued, a path cut close to perfection.

"We must be close," she said "oh this is exciting."

Jack gave her a quick squeeze before encouraging her further on, the crew beginning to grin with excitement along with her. She promised them she'd share the riches and although after their time with O'Malley they believed she deserved the jewels, they did want some for themselves. Pirates rules.

Her pace quickened as they walked through the pathway, sliding her journal away to pick up her dress. Jack held her hand softly, his face warming with every prickle of excitement that crossed hers. Her treasure was just a light glimmer in his mind, it was unimportant now. No riches could be worth more than her. Even diamonds didn't matter anymore.

When the pathway finished, a giant stone wall stood in their place. A mountain slanted in their path, presumably what they were after. Because looking around there was no way around it, no steps leading circling them, no archways or tunnels, just a big wall of rock. Edging closer, Lydia peered up to the sky, following the rock as it verged to a point above. The crew settled behind her, scanning their eyes around for any other clues. Like arrows, there were multiple different pathways leading all to the same spot, the same slabs decorating them. All signs pointed to the wall, it had to be the spot.

Stepping forward, Barbossa brushed his hand across the rock, feeling a slight soot cover his hands. Disgusted, he drew his hand back and winced as everyone else gasped. Jack moved forward next, unbothered by the soot and frantically rubbed his hands against it, clearing the wall until every last word was there. The group marveled at the lettering, the similar red to the cave of crystals. Dropping her bag, Lydia picked up her decipher and held it out, the crew eyeing it over her shoulder.

"To open the gate, you must repeat the following words with the one that found you first," Lydia gazed up to Jack.

"Alright, my moment lads," Jack cracked his knuckles and listened to Lydia as she showed him the rest of the code.

As the two figured out the rest of the message, the crew checked out the wall. How there was a slight incline where a tall rectangular shape was imprinted in the wall. A door. Or something that resembled a door. It was unclear enough to go unnoticed by anyone who didn't know what lied behind the wall. They wondered how it wasn't found before, as most of the islands in the Caribbean had been claimed. But this one appeared to be conveniently desolate.

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