Chapter 5 - The Dead Man

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"Set sail for Port Royal with all haste!" Jack called from the helm, springing the crew into action.

Rubbing their eyes, the crew went to their stations ready to see the seaside town for the final time. Lydia sat at the side of the ship, gazing out onto the horizon, pondering how much her old home had changed. She pondered if it was under a new ruling now, now Beckett was gone. Or if it was still the same beautiful place she grew up in.

The sky was clear and bright, shining on the wide grins of the crew as they worked swiftly to get out of Tortuga. It had been fun being back, but they had much to do now. Much to see. Tortuga can wait for them another time. With tears in it's eyes, the town waved them goodbye, crew members friends and loved ones cheering them off like the champions they appeared to be.

All except one.

Peter Brown was there once again, scowling as they left the docs waters, wishing he got more information out of Lydia when he had the chance. His arms folded over himself, clenching his jaw as the town's normal commotion set in place once more. Almost as though the Black Pearl was never there. Turning suddenly, Peter caught the eyes of two men extremely out of place, stumbling down to the docs and throwing their hats down when they realized they missed their ship.

"Look what you done now!" Murtogg complained.

"Not my fault. They're pirates they would have caught us out anyway," Mullroy replied, picking his hat up from the floor and dusting it off.

"But they were heading for Port Royal. We could have gone home," Murtogg lowered their voices.

Raising a brow, Peter sauntered over to them, smirking.

"I can't help but notice you gentleman have missed your ship," He announced.

"Uh yes we're meant to be with them," Mullroy pointed to the disappearing black ship.

"Mhm me too. I have something I was meaning to give the fair lady that rides with them," Peter looked out to see "I understand they're heading to Port Royal. If only I had the bearings to follow them."

Peter side eyed the two men, hoping they understood what he was getting at. The pair turned to each other and scratched their heads.

"Don't you have a map?" Murtogg said.

Scoffing, Peter stepped closer to them.

"Where's the fun in that when you two can me much more precise bearings. I want to get there as soon as possible. I'll even drop you off if you like," He smirked again.

Widening their eyes to each other, the two shot round to face the tall man.

"Of course where's you ship," Mullroy wondered, seeing no more ships in the bay.

"You wait for me then I'll show you my wonderful ship. I got to see someone first alright?" Peter didn't give him time to respond as he turned and stormed away, nodding to a few men who joined him to follow along.

As they walked through the streets of Tortuga, many turned their heads away from the group. Peter was surrounded by four other men, all of different heights and builds but menacing nonetheless. In the middle he powered his way through, enjoying the faces of those who knew what he was. Now the Black Pearl was gone no one could warn them of his path. No one could stop them as they innocently fell into his trap.

The historian was alone in his building, relaxing with a book in his hand, joined with the mellow sounds of his ticking clock on the wall. It was repetitive, hearing it tick on for hours on end. But it was peaceful, as peaceful as it could be in Tortuga. He was lucky to have thick walls that could defend the screeches of his drunk neighbors and lower the bangs of their guns in the early mornings. Contently, he flicked the page of his book, his legs crossed on the table as he leant back in his chair, when a sudden tussle brought him out of his Shakespearean novel.

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