Chapter 8 - The Island

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The tip of the ship, the very point, presented the island in which they were to find the next clues. Or the treasure its self. It was similar to Shipwreck Cove, tall cliffs of rock reaching high into the sky, with the smallest cracks just big enough for boats to fit through. Splotches of green patched over the beige rock, no sand, no incline of land, just one big bolder in the sea. It was a good idea to leave something here, as no one would voluntarily pick this island as the one holding the biggest secrets. Lydia eyed curiously, like the cave would open up at any moment. Yet it was completely still, water lapping up the sides gently.

"Alright we only have a few boats so... Barbossa you manning this vessel while we're gone!" Jack said hurriedly, beckoning the crew to get started loading the boats.

"No no Jack. I want to see this. Cotton can stay," Barbossa smiled up to the parrot loving man.

Cotton, much to no one's surprise, looked down with a frown, always missing when things got interesting. Lydia shook her head as she collected her bag, slipping inside her journals and the decoder, in case her parents decided to make it even harder. Which they probably did. Once everyone was ready, they pulled into the boats, Gibbs lighting the lamps on their boat in preparation. The crew that was left behind hung off the side and waved goodbye, almost sulking. But Jack would say it's their fault, they didn't catch a boat fast enough.

"You ready love?" Jack wondered.

"Oh yes Captain," she said, holding her bag in her lap.

As they reached the break in the cliff, Lydia felt her stomach churn. Is this even the right island? What if they were met with nothing but smell of wet rock?  The split in the wall arched high in the air, a line continuing even higher. They each crouched in their seats as they went through, but they were met with a sight so much more stunning.

When get past the dry crumbling crock you are met with the deep glow of blue and purple, sparkling crystal bouncing off the walls. Tall shards of amethyst doves down from the ceiling, illuminated by the glow of their lamp. However it wasn't only their golden lights showing their way, but there were holes in the ceiling, great big cuts seeping the daylight through, creating patterns in the water. Lydia gasped, their boat being led through seemingly on one straight line, like a pathway to the inevitable. Every crystal imaginable danced on the sides, falling into the water to sparkle even brighter. Each crew member widened their eyes, taking in the beauty that was before them.

None of them had seen a cave of wonders like this. The Isle de Muerta was thought to be the cave of magic, a place with so many secrets, but now it was outranked. Jack reached forward and rubbed Lydia's back, encouraging her to gaze further into the cavern. So many crystals, ones of emerald and sapphire, but her favourite ones, the ones popping against the cool tones were the bright topaz, like gold dust was strewn over the night. Even when their boat reached the end of the water trail, she couldn't peel her eyes away. It was the same as the crystal around her neck, her fingers brushing against it, the more you looked the more you were captured in it's gaze. The glistening blinked back to them, the crew's faces lighting up. This wasn't the treasure, but it was close to it.

"I'm not surprised by this location at all," Jack chuckled, spinning around slowly to take it all in.

"Alright lass is this it?" Barbossa questioned, wanting something a bit more gold like.

"It can't be. Everyone look out for anyone words or symbols!" She called out, everyone nodding and taking off in small groups.

Taking Jack's hand, they walked through together, Lydia tapping the crystals they past. There were small inclines where water fell through, like hundreds of tiny waterfalls. So much blue, so much was jumping down the walls, until they came across a wall that stretched high to the ceiling, disappearing in the darkness. It was cut off from everywhere else, a backdrop for the cave. When you entered you would never have assumed there was something on the other side, but that was exactly why she sent everyone out to look. To find the next clue.

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