Stiles: aagh fuuck.

The boy's words came out of his mouth as a whisper while his hand was stroking his length slowly teasing himself in the process.

His back was pressed against the wall preventing him from falling backwards.

Stiles: hmmm

After ten minutes the pleasure was too much to handle, making the boy release and take a deep breath trying to keep himself from moaning.

Stiles: fuck.

Derek: Stiles are you okay in there? Did you fall into the toilet?

Stiles: I'm ok. I'll be out in a minute.

The brunet got out of the shower and the warmth left his body.
He wrapped a towel around his waist and brushed his teeth, getting the morning breath out of his mouth.

Stiles got out of the bathroom and looked at the other man sitting on the bed waiting for the boy to finish with the shower.

Stiles: the bathroom is all yours.

Derek: thanks. Hey.

Stiles: what?

Derek: are you okay?

Stiles: yeah, why?

Derek: I could hear your heart beat and it was really fast...

Stiles: yeah I'm ok. Why are you being so nice to me?

Derek: what do you mean?

Stiles: you are acting really strange. Like you care about me or something.

Derek: if trying to be nice is weird then I should probably act like a douche to you.

The black haired man stormed inside the bathroom slamming the door behind him with anger.

Stiles: no I di..

He didn't get to finish as the man was already gone.

Stiles: ...I didn't mean it like that.

Once Derek finished with the bathroom, they all ate breakfast.
The tension was clear between the two men sharing the same room.

Derek: finish breakfast and let's find a plan.

Scott: okay.

Once they finished eating they started talking about what they would do and how they would fight against the enemies.

Derek was about to talk but he was interrupted by Stiles' phone ringing.

Stiles: hello?

Lydia: Stiles ?

Stiles: yeah it's me. What's wrong?

Lydia: what do you mean "what's wrong?". You have been gone for one and a half days.

Stiles: yeah sorry about that. Don't worry I am safe. Scott's with me.

Lydia: baby please tell me were you are.

Stiles: babe I can't tell you. If I tell you they might find us.

Lydia: who will find you?

Stiles: I can't talk right now I have to go. Love you.

Lydia: Love you too.

As the call ended Stiles looked at Scott and then Derek.
Derek looked a little... annoyed?
He couldn't exactly figure out the werewolf's expressions.

Derek: You done?

Stiles: yeah, sorry.

Derek: ok. So as I was saying... I don't think tha-

Stiles phone rang again this time it was a call from his dad.
Derek was ready to attack Stiles but he held himself back knowing that Stiles was human.

Stiles: hey dad. What's up?


Stiles: dad don't worry I'm okay. Scott is with me. I can't tell you where I am though.

Noah: is Scott the only other person with you?

Stiles: Yes.

Derek was about to speak but with a quick move he covered the black haired man's mouth, preventing him from speaking.
Stiles knew that his father didn't like Derek so he decided to keep the werewolf's presence a secret.

Stiles: look dad, I really have to go.

Noah: ok son, just promise me that you'll be careful. Ok?

Stiles: yes dad, I promise.

The call was ended once more and the brunet removed his hand off of Derek's mouth.

Stiles: sorry.

Derek: As I was saying. I think that it would be best to bring them here where there won't be chan-

Stiles' phone rung once more the caller being Liam.

Stiles: Hey Lia-

Stiles cellphone was snatched out of his hand.

Stiles: what are you doing?

Derek's hand closed tightly around the phone, crushing it in the process.

Stiles: no wait.

Derek let go of the damaged phone, dropping it onto the table.

Derek: There. Problem solved.


Derek's eyes snapped open realizing the mistake he made.

Derek: I'm so-

Stiles: Don't talk to me.

The brunet run to his room closing the door behind him, not bothered to lock it.

Derek: fuck


So yeah that what it.

Hope you liked it.

I spent two hours making this one, so please like it. That would mean a lot to me.


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