Chapter 12

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I walked out of the locker room to see Calum and Luke waiting on me.

"You ready?" Luke asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah," I nodded, "crap I have to go get my phone," I sighed remembering that it had been taken up today, for no reason at all may I add.

"You know they're not gonna give it back to you unless you have a parent with you," Calum informed me.

"Yup," I said popping the P, "and if I tell my parents that I got my phone taken up then I'm losing it for good," the boys both raised their eyebrows and gave me confused looks but I had no time to explain the strictness and amount of pressure they had on me about school and not getting in trouble. They were never like that with Michael and it did bother me a little bit but now I've just kind of brushed it under the rug knowing it would never change.  Both Calum and Luke had some knowledge of the way my parents were with me just because of what Michael had told them yet they didn't know the full extent.

"I'll get it," Luke said.

"And how are you going to manage to do that?" I raised my eyebrows tilting my head to the side.

"I have my connections," he smiled deviously as we walked out of the gym and into the office.

"Watch and learn," he whispered to Calum and I as he sauntered up to the lady at the front desk.

"Hi Mrs. Donna," he said sweetly.

"Hello Luke," she didn't even bother to look up from the monitor, "what do you need?"

"Well you see my friend Jasey," he gestured to me and I gave a small wave and smile, "got her phone taken up in class today for no good reason at all. If she tells her parents then she will be in a tremendous amount of trouble," he was over exaggerating just a bit but it was very entertaining to watch him try and sweet talk her.

He opened his mouth to talk but she cut him off. "So let me get this straight," she looked over at me then back at Luke, "you want me to give her, her phone back."

"Exactly," Luke smiled, and when her facial expressions didn't change he began to beg, "please, please, please," he repeated. I looked at Calum who was trying equally as hard not to laugh.

She didn't look moved at all, until she sighed annoyed with the abnormally tall boy in front of her and it was the first time she had shown any facial expressions the whole time we've been in here, "fine but you can't tell anybody I did this," she looked at all three of us and we nodded, showing that we understood her instructions.

She pulled out a basket of phones, from underneath her desk, and set it on the counter. I spotted mine quickly and pulled the device out of the box, "thank you so much."

We walked out and Luke looked extremely pleased with himself.

"Okay how in the world did you pull that off?"

"She's friends with my mum," he smirked.


We walked into the diner and it didn't take me long to spot Michael and Ashton in the booth we usually sat in. 

"Hey," Ashton and Michael said in unison.

"How was your day?" Ashton questioned. I

We ordered our food and I began to tell them the events that had occurred early today, Luke and Calum chimed in every now and then.

"Your science teacher sounds like a bitch," Michael said shoving a hand full of fries into his mouth.

"She is," Luke spoke taking the words right out of my mouth.

"You know what I find amazing?" Calum asked to no one specific.

"What?" Luke raised his eyebrows.

"As pissed as Jasey seemed throughout that whole story she never once said a cuss word," he pointed out.

"Jasey doesn't cuss," Luke smirked.

 "She's too innocent," Ashton added.

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest, "I am not!"

"I've only heard Jasey cuss one time," Michael continued, "I walked into the house this one time and she had her earbuds in and I scared her, she was like 'oh shit' and punched me in the stomach," all the guys laughed and I began to also.

"I can cuss," I shrugged, "I just choose not to,"

"I don't believe you," Luke smiled looking down at me.

"Trust me I'm Michael's sister I definitely know how to use profanity," I responded matter-of-factly.

"Prove it," Calum dared.

"Fine," I shook my head.

"So today I woke up late because my damn alarm decided to not go off, and I had like 5 fucking minutes to get ready, then Michael was being a dick," Michael furrowed his eyebrows at me, "and then my bitch of a science teacher took my phone and I was already pissed so that didn't help at all. Oh, and these girls that I absolutely hate with a burning passion were making fun of me. Then some asshat in gym made some douchy comment because he has no consideration for other people's feelings and Luke went all apeshit and almost killed him and now I'm here with you guys and the fact that you think I can't say a cuss word is utter bullshit." I retold the day I had today using every cuss word I could manage to fit in one story, surprising myself by the use of my words.

All of their jaws dropped and they slowly started clapping.

"Told you," I shrugged.

"I worship you," Calum said his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head, I rolled mine in response.

"I'm so proud," Michael pretended to wipe a tear.

"Damn," was all Luke could say.

"Hey don't swear," Ashton laughed and we all threw our fries at him in return.


Luke pulled up in front of my house. I rode back with him from the diner, we dropped Calum off before he brought me home. Michaels car was already in the drive way.

"Thanks for the ride."

"No problem," he smiled.

I walked around to Luke's side of the car where he had the window rolled down.

"Bye," I said turning to walk away and then turned back around, "don't stare at my butt. I'm a good girl," we both started laughing.

"You know what they say," he smirked but I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."


Oh snap Jasey!!

And then Jasey and Luke at the end!! 



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