Chapter 25

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*Luke's P.O.V*

"That's not how you two were supposed to say good bye," Michael said barely above a whisper, shaking his head.

I snapped, "Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! You don't think I know that?"

"Woah Luke easy," Calum said but I couldn't, I had finally stopped crying and Michael brought it up again. I knew he didn't mean to upset me, but why couldn't he just let it be?

"You think all I wanted was to let her be hurt before I left?!" I yelled, that was honestly the last thing I wanted. I never wanted to hurt her.

"Luke no one is blaming you-"

"I am! I'm blaming me!" I cut Ashton off, "I let her go."

*Flash Back*

I heard my phone vibrate as it moved across my mahogany desk, as I strummed my guitar, I was trying to write a song for Jasey to show her just how much I actually love her.

She really means the world to me. I've never loved anyone or anything like I've loved her. And, I wanted all of it with her. I wanted the pointless bickering, the jokes, the late night phone calls, good morning texts, holding hands, and calling her baby. I wanted to be the one to hold her when she can't fall sleep at night, and sing to her when she's sick. I wanted to be able to pour my heart out to her and tell her how badly I screwed up after we fight, I wanted one of those 'you're still together?' relationships. And I wanted it all with her.

I picked up the cellular object looking at the illuminated screen, speaking of Jasey.

From: Penguin Queen
Hey can you come over? I need to talk to you.

To: Penguin Queen
Yeah. Is everything alright?

From: Penguin Queen
Just know that no matter what happens I love you and I always will.

Now she had me worried. My mind was racing with all the possibilities it could be, as I put my worn out guitar up and walked out of my room. My stomach was tied in knots, I'm afraid of what I'll find out when she talks to me, as I was gradually becoming nauses. I feel like I'm having a panic attack, 'breath Luke' I told myself, it's probably nothing. I was probably just over thinking things when in all actuality it wouldn't be anything.

"Hey mum I'm going over to Jasey's for a bit," I opened the front door.

"Okay be quick Luke, dinners almost ready."

I didn't respond as I headed out the door, I barely even heard what she said because my thoughts were too loud. As I got closer to her house I saw that she was standing on the front porch. She was beautiful, her blonde hair and porcelain skin contrasted so well with her piercing blue eyes. I took in every single thing about her every time I looked at her. Like how she always picked at her nails or subconsciously played with the earrings in her ears. She was chewing on her bottom lip, something she only did when she was nervous.

I saw she was holding my jacket in her hands, the grey hoodie she stole from me but I didn't mind because I enjoy seeing her in my clothes. The way the large material fit her and made her look more petite than she normally did. It reminded me of the fact that she was mine, all mine.

"Hi," I said quietly walking up the stairs to her.

She didn't say anything as she lunged towards me wrapping her arms around my neck. I hugged her back so tightly, tighter than I ever thought possible. We hugged all the time but this time it was different, the embrace held more meaning this time than ever before.

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