Chapter 6

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Luke and I had our first date last night and I'm pretty sure I still had butterflies from the way he looked at me and when he called me cute. Today was Monday which sucked.

"Are you riding with me?" Michael asked from the other side of my door.

"No, I'm catching a ride with Ryan," I responded as I put in a pair of Spider-Man earrings that Ryan had gotten for my 13th birthday. I still wore them, considering he was my favorite. Spider-Man not Ryan. Ryan was pretty awesome though. We always got each other the weirdest things for holidays, mostly because we had the weirdest relationship buts that why we mesh well,  I guess.  

"Alright, bye," Michael called and I heard the front door shut.

I walked down stairs and grabbed a banana, which I seem to be living off of lately and began to eat it when I heard Ryan's car horn. I walked out of the house, throwing my banana peel into the bushes of my front yard and locked my door.

"Hi," I smiled groggily as I plopped down in the seat next to him.

"Hey cutie," he was so cheeky.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I chuckled, jokingly of course I know Ryan would never cheat on Meghan.

"That I love dearly!"

We pulled into the parking lot of the school and got out of the car.

"Hey I have to go to the counselors office to get my schedule changed," I said as I slung my backpack over my shoulders.

"Alright," he says "see you at lunch."


I knocked on the door.

 "Come in," a deep voice called, I did as was saaid and walked in.

 "Uhh, I'm here to get my schedule changed," I explained.

"What's your name?" He asked typing away on his keyboard

"Jasey Clifford."

He shuffled through a file cabinet "ahh here you are," he pulled out a Manila folder.

He handed me the paper and then began to talk, "It has been brought to my attention that you are supposed to be skipping the grade you are in right now, correct?"

"Yes sir," oh by the way I'm supposed to be skipping the grade I'm in now. I took this test and apparently I'm 'gifted' or whatever, school is the only thing I'm really good at thought. I've always been the smart one out of Michael and I. I like being gifted or whatever you want to call it because it almost makes me feel like there is some value to me, like I'm worth something because I have a brain. I know it's stupid.

"Well as of right now you're technically in year 10 but you're taking all year 11 classes" he explained

"But eventually I'll be in year 11, right?" I asked.

"Of course. We're working on that now," He nodded his head flashing a his yellow teeth at me.

"Thank you," I said politely as I exited the door.

I looked down at my timetable, observing the classes I will now be taking. I had science first, I found the science lab and pushed the heavy door open, everyone stopped working and all eyes focused on me. I gulped, I hated being the center of attention I felt like my heart was going to fall out of my butt.

"Class this is our new student Jasey," the teacher gestured to the class, my eyes set on one pair in particular Luke's. Calum sat on the other side of him, "She will be joining us for the rest of the year. Please take a seat."

Luke pushed Calum out of his seat and whispered something to him to which Calum moves to the table behind us. I took a seat next to Luke and he smiled. Calum on the other hand frowned and whispered some obscene language under his breath.

The class consisted of taking notes and Luke doodling on my notebook and making me laugh the whole time. I couldn't help but not smile when I was around him, the teacher kept giving us looks and shushing us, we literally almost got separated because we were talking so much. It's okay though, I was never good at first impressions anyways.


I walked into the lunch room and saw Ryan sitting by himself. That's weird, he's usually with Meghan.

"What's up with you?" My brows drew together, as I walked up to my best friend.

"Meghan and I got into it and I said something's I really shouldn't have and I feel like a prick," he sighed, "like I feel really, really bad Jasey."

"What did you say?" I asked curiously, he just shook his head in response. He hadn't touched his food and I couldn't help but worry about the poor kid, he was really upset about this, I mean he would never intentionally hurt her,

"Look, it'll be okay. Just go over to her house after school and apologize and tell her how much you love her and how wrong you were," I smiled rubbing his arm attempting to comfort him.

"She doesn't want to talk to me," he fiddled with his fingers.

"It will work. Trust me," I smiled,  "call me when you leave her house and let me know what happened," I said before walking away and taking a seat between Ashton and Luke.

The rest of the day went pretty well. I had maths with Calum, which was very interesting. He kept telling me how much Luke liked me and how he would never shut up about me. It honestly made my day. I had Literature and history with Luke and after Calum said all that stuff it made seeing Luke a thousand times better because any doubts that i had were now minimized. I really liked this boy and as far as I knew, he really liked me too.

Let's just see how the rest of the week goes.


A/N: I hope you like it and all that jazz... So yeah



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