Chapter 31

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"Did you see it?!" Brady's voice rang through the other line as I poured the steaming hot water into my cup before looking for the tea bags.

"See what?" I asked genuinely confused as I spotted the green-tea bags in the back of the cupboard. Pulling one and unwrapping it I dropped it into my cup. Mother Nature had decided to visit early this month and she was definitely kicking my ass, so I convinced mum to let me stay home from school today. Surprisingly, she agreed.

"The interview!" She responded like I should've known exactly what she was talking about.

"What interview Brady? Be more specific," I snapped at her.

"Gosh, how much do you charge for a ride on your mood swings?" I could just imagine her furrowing her eyebrows at me with a slight glare.

"Sorry," I mumbled before taking my glasses off and rubbing my tired eyes, "but what interview are you talking about?"

"The boys did an interview and they asked about you and Luke," my heart dropped at the mention of his name while she let her voice trail off leaving me in suspense. Moments of silence passed by before I spoke.

"What did they ask? What did he say? Did they really ask about me?!" I bombarded her with questions, quickly shoving my glasses back onto the bridge of my nose.

"Hang on I'll send you the link."

"Alright, thank you."

"No problem! Bye love," she sang gleefully before ending the phone call.

I waited for her to send the link as I quietly sipped my tea and bounced my leg in anticipation. I began biting my nails, it had been over five minutes and we just got off the phone. Where is my damn link?! I was growing impatient when I heard my phone vibrate. I wasted no time typing in my password and clinking the highlighted link before it took me to the interview. I quickly hit play and waited for it to load.

The four boys that I had become so accustomed to popped up on the screen seating around a large desk, microphones in front of them.

Calum was wearing a plain white tee shirt, Michael was in this black and white stripped shirt that mum had gotten him for his most recent birthday, Ashton was wearing that damn fedora with a Joy Division shirt on, that I have debated stealing from him a time or two cause I want it so bad.

Luke was sat back in the rolly chair of the radio stations, his lanky body overpowering the thing. He had his favorite blue flannel on and his hair was styled into his usual quiff, his black lip ring contrasting against his pink lips. He seemed unusually pale though and the bags under his eyes more prominent than usual.

I had zoned out thinking about him but was quickly brought back to reality when his sweet laugh filled my ears.

"Luke always steals my underwear!" Ashton exclaimed loudly, pointing his finger at Luke while the other boys and the interviewers laughed along. I smiled at the sight in front of me, almost tearing up because I missed them all so much.

"Well, what do you want me to do?!" Luke asked, still laughing uncontrollably.

"Do your own laundry!"

"What? No, I don't have time for that!" The blonde boy sat up in his chair, subconsciously running his had threw his hair.

After the laughter died down the interviewer, Ray I think his name was began to resume with the questions.

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