Chapter 10

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I looked myself over in the mirror one last time. I didn't know where Luke was taking me, as per usual so I dressed for the typical Australian weather, a pair of white shorts with a red and black flannel and vans. I tried to dress casual but, not to casual considering I had no clue where we were going, I was never really big on dressing up though even when I was a little girl and we used to go to church my mum had to wrestle me into a dress.

I walked downstairs where my dad and mum were waiting.

"I think those shorts are too shorts," My dad said sternly, I just rolled my eyes in response.

"Honey," my mum said looking up at my dad, "she looks fine."

"I want to meet this boy," my dad said. My parents didn't know that I was going out with Luke since they were out of town when we went on the first date and I had planned out on keeping it that way incase things didn't work out between Luke and I.

"I'll make you a deal," I looked at my dad, "if there's a sixth date I'll let you meet him. Deal?" I questioned.

He looked hesitant but eventually agreed. Then I heard a car pull up and I looked out the window to see Luke's car sitting in my drive way.

"Stay in here," I pointed at my parents then waved bye.

"I was going to come to the door," he said looking at me. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Here's the thing," I began to explain the reason I hadn't told my parents about Luke. He said he understood and that he wasn't offended which was a huge relief.

"So where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"You'll see," he grinned at me.

"So you're really not going to tell me?" I questioned.

"Nope," he replied looking proud of himself.

"Fine," I huffed, holding my hands up as if to say I give up.

Luke reached over and turned the radio on, 'Check yes Juliet' was playing and I couldn't help but smile. I used to listen to this song non-stop, it brought back so many memories. I could feel Luke looking over at me, as I sang the words to the song, every now and then.

We eventually pulled up to our destination.

"Luke," I gasped. We were at my absolute favorite place on this Earth.

It was this place called 'The Pier' it was a giant pier -hence the name- that had carnival rides and places to eat and a perfect view of the ocean.

Luke took his bottom lip between his teeth, "what do you think?"

"It's perfect," I smiled, "who told you?" I didn't remember telling Luke that this was my favorite place.

"I have my ways," he grinned and wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

"Michael told you didn't he?" He smiled innocently at me.

"Pffftt, what? No!"

"You're such a dork!" I laughed.

Luke put his hand on my lower back as we began to walk to the entrance. He pulled out his wallet and paid for us, we put our little bracelets on and walked onto The Pier.

"What do you want to do first?" Luke asked.

"I know this sounds really stupid but my favorite part about coming here is to watch the sunset and," i gestured to the setting sun, "we came at the perfect time."

"It doesn't sound stupid at all."

We sat down on a spot in the sand, "so I did pretty well this time didn't I?" Luke asked looking at me, with his big blue eyes.

I nodded, "I honestly don't know how you're going to top this."

"Me either."

We watched the sun set and it was like something from a movie. After that we were both starving so we decided to get food next. Luke ordered our pizza and we sat down on a bench that over looked the ocean.

"Why do you love it here so much?" Luke asked taking a bite of his pizza.

"Well when I was little my grandpa, who was my hero, used to being me here every Sunday night to watch the sun set and get an ice cream cone," I smiled at the thought, "he used to bring my grandma here when they went on dates."

"Did your grandma ever come with you guys?" He asked looking out at the water.

"No, she actually died before I was born but, I remember my grandpa telling me stuff about her, he says I act a lot like her."

"I'm... I'm sorry," Luke apologized.

"Don't be. I mean it's a shame that I didn't get to meet her because I know I would've loved her. Anyways, tell me about yourself Hemmings."

"Well, I'm from Sydney, obviously," he laughed at his own words.

"Woah really?!" I gasped sarcastically, "I would've never known!"

"Shut up," he said, both of us laughing.

After we both stopped laughing, he stroked his chin and spoke, "I lead a pretty boring life actually."

"Not really. You're in a band, I mean you've got that whole thing going for ya," I chuckled.

"Yeah that's probably the most exciting thing happening to me right now," he paused, "I love it, its so easy for me whenever I'm having a bad day to just go and play the guitar, it makes me happy. When I first started playing it really helped because I got in trouble a lot it was an outlet then too. Music is my escape out of this shitty world and into something beautiful that words can't explain."

He was so passionate about music, he didn't just talk about it with his mouth he talked about it with his eyes and hands. It was absolutely beautiful to see someone so in love with something.

"That's beautiful," was all I could say.

"No," he blushed.

"Yeah," I nodded back scrunching my nose up.

"You're adorable, you know that?" Luke questioned booping my nose.

"Of course I know that," I said sassily putting my hand under my chin, "no I'm just kidding."

"Well I'm not," Luke spoke softly causing me to blush.

The rest of the time Luke and I were there was a blast. We rode all the rides, he even got me on the Farris wheel even though I'm afraid of heights. He made me laugh the whole ride and I forgot how high we were actually up.

It honestly was the perfect night.


"So," Luke said shutting the car off in my driveway.

"So," I repeated.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," he smiled at me.

"Me too," I agreed.

"So do I have the pleasure of taking you on a third date?"

I couldn't contain my excitement, I don't know what is was about this boy but he made me crazy, "Oh the pleasure is all mine Mr. Hemmings," we laughed.

"Well Mrs. Clifford," Before I even had time to process what was happening Luke leaned over and kissed me on the corner of my lips, I blushed like crazy.

"Goodnight, Hemmings."

"Goodnight, Clifford."

A/N: AWWWWH I love them!!!

This goes unedited.



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