Jenny: Gross. Lets just go and get this over with. Not a fan of the business side of.. this.

They got out of the car ignoring the whistles aimed at them and walked inside only to find a group of men aiming shotguns and assault rifles at them.

Beth: .. Did we make a wrong turn?

Jenny: Maybe?

???: Beth? Shades? That you?

The men and woman holding the guns lowered them and let the girls through to see it was Junior who said their names.

Beth: Hey Junior been a while huh?

Junior: A while?

Jenny: Here it comes.

Junior: A few days is a while. A week is a while! YOU IDIOTS WERE GONE FOR TWO MONTHS!!

Beth: Yep, we kinda deserve that.

Junior: I thought you were dead! Or worse!

Jenny: Sorry

Junior: No. No Im sorry. I shouldnt have yelled. I just thought the worst cause you never came back. You two are like the daughters I never had.

Melanie: Hey!

Miltia: Rude.

Junior: Calm down girls or Ill tell them.

Melanie: Alright, alright.

Miltia: Good to have you two back. And thanks for the advice with the perv, been way easier to kick him out.

Beth: No problem. Although We are kinda here for business as well as pleasure.

Junior: Oh here we go.

Beth: You see, we were sen-

Jenny: Can I get a beer? This is really boring.

Junior: Sure. Ten units.

Jenny reached into her pocket and pulled out the currency before handing it to Junior who exchanged it for a bottle which he opened in front of her.

Jenny: Im gonna go talk to the twins. Find me when you wanna shoot some stuff.

Beth: Bye bitch.

Jenny kept walking and flipped off Beth without turning to see her reaction as Beth turned back to Junior who was shaking his head.

Junior: You two havent changed much have you?

Beth: Why change perfection? So back to what I was saying, we were sent here by the leader of the Downtown Reapers.

Junior: Reapers? Arent they they runners?

Beth: Name change, runners didnt seem that threatening.

Junior: I get that. So what does.. He? Want?

Beth: He wants to know if you are willing to partner up.

Junior: Well this being you I take it you have no idea what the details are?

Beth: Not in the slightest now that I think about it.

Junior: .. Tell you what. Since its you two Ill have a talk with him. If hes convincing enough Ill come out of retirement, if not then you have to do me a favour.

Beth: If you pull your dick out its the last time you ever see it old man.

Junior: Woah, woah. Nothing like that. I meant I have this.. pest I need taken care of.

Beth: Alright. Deal. So how about a drink?

Junior: No fucking way!

Beth: Dude Ive drank here before. Whys it a prob-

The Downtown ReapersWhere stories live. Discover now