Chapter 8

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Beth and Jenny were headed to Jasons office since he called for them by name. Beth had a calm face while Jenny had a large grin due to her excitement for the show happening the next day. Behind Beths calm face was worry along with over a hundred thoughts going through her head a second, things were going too well, too smoothly that even the shoot out at Juniors club seemed like a slight inconvenience. When they got to Jasons office Beth decided she was going to bring up her concerns with him.

Jason: Girls, I have a job for you two. I need you to watch over someone tomorrow night.

Jenny: What?! I cant thats-

Jason: Youll be protecting Ashton Blaine at the show. His manager gave this backstage pass to you.

Beth: Ok. So why us? Normally they want Atlas robots or ninjas or something. Not plain humans.

Jason: He said something about us being the best option. Had a hard time hearing over the green you about to bring in. Besides, I think shades over here is more than happy to do the job.

Beth turned to see Jenny smiling at the backstage pass, even slightly drooling. She turned back to Jason with a looking signaling the is private information she wants to share.

Jason: Hey Jen, you go and find something to wear for Ashton since I need to talk to B about some stuff real quick. You cool with that?

Jenny: What to wear?.. Shit youre right! What will he think if I went there lookin like a hobo? I gotta wash up too, damnit!

She rushed out of the room without saying goodbye to her friend.

Jason: Excitable as ever, to be young again. Now Beth, whats on your mind?

Beth: Ill probably sound paranoid but things have been going too smoothly, things like what we have normally dont last this long and I think something might be coming or might happen.

Jason: I see. Thats crazy and youre just paranoid. Is what Id say if I didnt learn from my own failures. You know, I had a similar moment with another kid a few years back. Stubborn, reckless, kid had the stickiet fingers.. had me checking for my wallet every five minutes. But he always trusted his gut, I should have trusted it too.

Beth: What happened?

Jason: Dont know. All I do know is that he was right. We were rising in the ranks with smooth sailing.. then the other gangs stopped fighting and jumped our asses, felt like we were that skinny high school kid being sat on by the fat bully. Then you two came along. So Im trusting you two, whatevers coming our way lets be ready this time. Ill handle things from here. Oh and be careful out there, wouldnt wanna hit your new fans while driving now do you?

Beth: Fans? Fuck you mean old man?

Jason: Youll see. Just watch out for people acting excited to see you while wearing our colors. Smile and wave a lil bit. Go meet Yin, kids got something for you for your job.

Beth: Does it have something to do with why I didnt get a pass?

Jason: I know you arent the biggest fan of his music, now shoo. I got plans to figure out.

Shaking her head Beth got up and headed outside to walk around the hideout, looking around at the improvements around the place. The first obvious change was the amount of green around the area which everyone believes Celias presence caused and lead to nobody questioning how she managed to get the weed to grow so fast, grow so much and be so potent. The next was the walls and smell of the area as it used to have a smell that was a mixture of smoke, oil, fish and shit but now smells like clean air while the walls used to have rust and broken parts but thanks to the money they were pulling in they could finally fix the place up. The new buildings were a welcomed sight like the greenhouse thats ever expanding to house pot plants and as of recently shrooms and other hallucinogenic plants, the blacksmith that provides use with our weaponry, a hut surrounded by tents homing the now humble ex-leader of the white fang and the people that follow him, or as other call them, the best drug makers around. Things are going well and getting better thanks to Celias edibles we started selling.

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