Chapter 1

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A City reduced to rubble is seen as screams and explosions are heard. Bodies are all over the area some in street clothes and others in colorful spandex. The smoke makes things hard to see as a figure high up is noticed through the thick and hard to breathe fumes, the wind begins to move the smoke out of the way and we see a young woman holding a red and black dessert eagle and before her lay the great all might defeated and tired, covered in cuts and blood while the woman has just a few bruises.

All Might: B-beth, why? Look around you, youve become a monster.

Beth: Just a new name to add to a growing list. One more thing

A second long pause filled the air before she pistol whipped All Might in the mouth knocking out a tooth causing him to groan.

Beth: Im the boss.. Bitch.

As she pulled the trigger she suddenly lunged up from her bed in her room, looking out her window she saw the city still standing and even thriving.

Beth: God damn it, just a dream. One day.

Beth threw her her blanket and hopped out of bed before looking at herself in the mirror.

Beth: Ugh, I really gotta stop going drinking with Jen.. I mean, I should but Im not gonna.

She took a step closer and looked at herself specifically at her baggy, hazel eyes to check for any redness and was relieved to find no noticeable signs of a late night out. Combing through her dark brown her she searched for the academy uniform she threw off the moment she got to her dorm as well as looking for any cereal bars she might still have and as if the gods decided to give her mercy she found one in her blazer pocket. Finding the rest in the usual place of on her curtain rail, under her bed, in the bathroom, etc she got dressed and ate her breakfast on her way to class not realizing she was already late and her seeing her best friend, damn near sister Jenny on her way as well did not help break her out of her illusion of being on time.

Beth: Yo shades! You want some?

Jenny: Hell yeah, damn near about to pass out.

Jenny or Shades as everyone calls her due to always wearing sunglasses is Beths best friend standing an inch above Beth at 511 people would think shes the leader of the duo not realizing they both make decisions. Beth took one more bite of the bar before tossing the left over half to jenny who wolfed it down without a hint of shame on her crumb covered face.

Beth: Really bitch? You gonna scare all the boys away like that.

Jenny: If they cant handle how I eat then I dont want them. Bunch of Holier than thou creeps anyway.

Beth: Thats fair, that Issei creep tried offering Great fame if I gave him head.. So I gave his head a fist and I aint talking about the one on his shoulders.

Jenny: Sucks that I missed it. Speaking of missing shit is there some kind of.. speech or something going on? Where is everybody?

Looking around they finally noticed the empty courtyard of Unitian academy, a school made for all beings of the alternate universes that merged after what was dubbed The gods fall

Beth: .. Maybe theres free burgers?

Jenny: This is unitian, if its free food theyd be handing out that vegan shit that these snooty, uptight fucks would like.

Beth: Id sooner eat a cow dick Or not, well burn that bridge when we get there.

Jenny: And every bridge on the way?

???: Whats this about burning bridges?

The two students turned to see an older man white grew hair turning white, black and green clothes, spectacles and holding signature items being a cane and a mug. Ozpin.

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