The Love Letter - Sasuke x OC x Naruto

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I'm not sure how I feel about it. I never really expected it to last this long. To be honest, I hoped this would've only lasted a year at the most, so why do I still feel this way? We've never talked so why does my heart flutter whenever I see him? Is it because of his energy? Or is it because he's so cute whenever he obliviously says something idiotic? What is it?

I can't put a finger on it. It still doesn't make sense. I don't know how I feel about this. No matter how many times I tell myself that if I can't find a reason, it doesn't matter and that I should forget about it, my heart doesn't stop pounding harder and harder whenever he walks my way.

Why does my stomach fill with butterflies whenever I hear his voice? It's like I'm suffocating on petals and bugs whenever I catch a glimpse of his signature smile. Thank goodness we never talk or I'm sure I'd choke and remain speechless.

But why? Why would I choke? If we talked, we'd pursue it like any other normal being having any other normal conversation. I should be able to handle a few sentences shared with him. Just two hellos, how are yous, and goods, and that's all. So why do my cheeks burn at the thought of some measely conversation as that, if I can even call it a conversation?

I don't know. I can't figure it out. I don't know how I feel about this. It doesn't make sense why I feel this way. Why does my heart stop when I catch his eyes? Why do my ears feel warm when he smiles? Why do my insides turn to mush whenever he accidentally looks over my way? Why does my stomach churn whenever I think about it? Why do I blush whenever I stare at him for too long? Why does my body start acting differently whenever he's involved?

I don't know. There's no possible explanation. Why do I feel this way about Uzumaki Naruto?

"There you go, staring at him again," my own friend chuckled.

Being caught for the third time that hour caused me to whip back in alarm. I had no words for the white-haired male that snickered at my flustered expression. He was amused by my fiasco to say the least. He always is.

"You know," Suigestu started, "you should just tell him how you feel."

I chuckled. "Oh, as if! I can't even say a word to him. How will I be able to tell him how I feel?"

He shrugged. "I was just saying."

"What if I do manage to tell him? There's no guarantee he feels the same way for me..."

"You're just overthinking this," he mused, playfully punching me in the arm. "It's not that hard."

"Fine, if I go confess to Naruto, you have to confess to—"

"No!" Suigetsu interrupted rather quickly.

I smirked. "And why's that? It's not that hard."

He scowled at me but nonetheless acknowledged my point made. "Whatever."

I crossed my arms in a sense of sheer victory over him. Suigetsu has been my best friend since we were just little kids. We both happened to move to the same neighborhood around the same time, so it was only natural for us to grow closer together. We've been supporting each other from young ages all the way up to our senior year of high school. He's like family to me.

"Oh, I got it!" he exclaimed, his unusual purple eyes widening.

"What bright idea do you have this time, Suigetsu?" I sighed.

"I have an idea how you can confess to Naruto without him knowing it's you!"

I blinked in utter confusion. Either Suigetsu's a genius and I'm too inept to pick up on his idea, or this will be a disaster and my anticipation is just warming me up to the mess. "I'm sorry?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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