Fake Relationship - Sasuke x Reader

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"I need you to date me."

The boy before me lifts a brow, finally showing a sign he's been listening to me rant. He usually ignores me—when actually he chooses not to respond because he brings up the embarrassing points later one when they're unnecessary—while he scrolls through his phone. Because he never replies with anything, I go to him on occasion just to let things out, verbally should I say. I don't worry about being judged or have to listen to opinions. I just can vent about my problems to someone without discussing it later on.

Only he's a friend and he's bound to bring up the worst parts of my stories. Not that I mind. Usually, they lead to snarky replies that, in the end, make me laugh.

Which is why I'm here. To vent about my family problems. Of course, one thing led to another, and I decided to get a brilliant idea.

"Excuse me?" the dark-haired guy questions. For the first time in any of my sessions, he looks up from his phone in confusion.

"I need you to date me," I repeat, still keeping the firm and serious expression on my face. "Please."

"Wait, go back. I must've missed something."

"You missed nothing."

"I'm pretty sure I did, or I wouldn't be this confused."

I sigh. "Whatever you missed, I have no idea. All I'm asking is that you date me."

"Then no."

"Not for real!"

He tilts his head, feeling that he's straying further and further away from understanding me in the slightest. "I didn't think there were more ways to date."

"No!" I whine, sliding down my chair dramatically. "Like... ugh, never mind. I knew you were the wrong person to ask."

"Apparently so." With that, he goes back to scrolling on his phone.

I puff out my cheeks and knit my brows. "I just someone to pretend to be my boyfriend. It doesn't have to last long. Just to fool them enough, then we can make a dramatic breakup and go back to normal or something."

"That sounds like a personal problem."

"Hey, now," I spit, sitting up. "You're not supposed to respond."

"Only because you asked so nicely."

My eyes roll so far back, they land on the window. Snowflakes softly flutter down to the ground outside under the dark veil of clouds. It's somewhere in the evening, so the lights from Konoha add a glow to the flakes. Few of them land on the window but melt instantly because of the nice warmth inside the apartment.

"I don't know who else to ask," I go on, voicing my own thoughts without hesitation. "I could ask Naruto but... I don't think he'd take this whole acting thing very seriously. And then Shikamaru would be too lazy to even try. Shino is too quiet—nobody would believe we're together. Same with Sai. I feel like he'd unintentionally insult people with his little nickname habit. Kiba... actually Kiba could work, but... I don't know. Ugh, this is so difficult."

"I can tell."

"I told you to zip it."

"I'm convinced."

I stick my tongue out at him before getting up and heading over to his kitchen. Because we're college students, our homes are quite small. But because both he and I happened to have a group with the same idea of 'buying a bigger place', we ended up being neighbors. Hence, how we eventually met.

For the couple years I've known him and his friends, I would often comer over a lot. Which is why no one says a word about me coming over even just to get a package of Doritos and leave.

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