Celebrity!Sasuke x OC

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Ooh, twist up~

The cafe was much nice before this one guy walked in.

The day was so peaceful with the calm flow of customers with semi-good attitudes. My coworkers didn't throw their problems at me like they usually do, including Hana who bombards me with her minuscule issues such as ones related to tissues. Yeah, don't ask.

Unlike other days, today was a lot less stressful as well. I felt like my mind finally learned to open up my mind. Maybe it was from the lack of problem-solving I had to do. If that's the case, I'm glad to be freehanded for once.

It was near the end of the afternoon as I was gathering tips from the small tables and booths positioned neatly around the small room. By the time I stuffed the cash into my pockets, there's a loud burst of voices at the entrance door, enough to drown out the sound of our welcome bell.

Everyone turns their heads in the direction, including mine but for a different reason. There's a small unanimous gasp from around the room that gets my attention. Just out of curiosity, I pick up my head to see whoever was walking in.

Just some guy.

I don't know why, but his appearance captures my gaze. His pale skin contrast with his dark hair which frames his flawless face. He was tall and lean and walked as if his posture was perfect—like he learned the right way to walk. It made him look more professional and confident as if he could tackle any issue at hand without a second thought. Even his attire gave the impression that he has been very successful for his age, only intimidating me more. The most striking feature of his, though, is his eyes. They are simple, only a dark color that makes it seem as if he has no pupils, yet they hold so much. For its simplicity, they are quite sophisticated.

Everyone else here must be getting the same vibe from the guy. Their eyes wide, mouths hanging slightly open. It's almost as if they've been entranced.

Which isn't far from being wrong.

I assume he must be a frequent visitor at this lowly coffee shop. I'm a newer waitress here, so I'm unfamiliar with our top customers' orders—and their effects on people here.

Luckily, I didn't have to worry about him. Since I control certain tables, I don't freely roam to another's. One of the more experienced waitresses, Akari, is in charge of the seat the emotionless-faced man has taken. It would be an understatement to say Akari was excited to go over to take his order.

Is he that popular around here?

I turn my head to Yuto, another waiter.

He shakes his head with a shrug. "Beats me."

I figure he assumed I was referring to Akari. Her reaction was bizarre. It doesn't matter to me where I know he's a popular customer so I drop the curiosity and continue my job.

Or attempted to.

As I was serving the customers, I had trouble hearing them. Every time they or I talked, it was drowned out by the sound of loud screams and squeals outside. When I asked them to repeat what they said, instead of rolling their eyes or giving me sass, they gave me an apologetic look or asked me to repeat what I had just said.

Apparently, the man that had recently walked in, whoever he was, is more than just popular in this cafe. The streets outside seem to be in awe with him—especially the ladies.

Maybe this guy had a crew or something, I'm not sure, but they did not hesitate to scream, squeal, and take pictures of him at everything he did.

One time, Yuto had to ask them to keep it down or he'd ask them to leave. He was pitifully ignored. Not even one girl spared him a glance. It must suck not having luck in relationships or even starting them.

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