In the Real World - Sasuke x OC [II]

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[First Chapter]

I stare in disbelief at what's going on before. I analyze him from my spot, trying to draw some sort of conclusion to confirm that I'm just dreaming and this isn't real. Seven times did I excuse all these inferences based on one thought alone: maybe he's a cosplayer. But the more I studied him, it was almost... too real for him to be someone dressed up as a character from Naruto.

Like many cosplayers online, you can tell by the clothes whether it's merchandise or real clothes assembled together to form an outfit. This, however, wasn't anything like what I've seen online. His high-collared grey shirt seems normal, but the twisted purple belt didn't. The material looked different from the types of material I see here. It was like... a type that doesn't exist here. But whatever it was, it still acted as a belt, holding up a thick, dark blue cloth that hangs down to his knees. This is the outfit he wears during the war.

Now, if he was a cosplayer, this is some good shit. Whoever he is, he nailed the look perfectly. Could not be more spot on. But... the more pressing question would be...

If he was a cosplayer, why was he in my apartment?

Or maybe I should ask, how he was in my apartment?

Some freaky cosplayer if you ask me. But it looks so real.

At this point, confusion bubbles in my veins as I try to draw another conclusion to make sense of all this, but nothing pops into my mind. Only shock as to how anyone could look so accurate to the character in the show. It's basically impossible.

I gulp hard and hide behind the wall to process everything. Some cosplayer is in my apartment... This calls for some drastic measures. Time to put my self-defense to the test (which I do not have). Next to me, I find a broomstick that was left out after cleaning last night.

Alright, I'll scare him off with my weapon.

Swiftly, I snatch the long frizzle-ended stick and inhale deeply before shouting, "Hello, intruder! And what the hell are you doing in my—"

Something quick yet seeable whistles past my ear, making me jump and almost drop my only weapon of defense. There's no need to look back at the shuriken now stuck in the wall behind me. Somehow, I just knew. My breath gets caught in my throat as I grow small under his harsh, lethal glare. That's when I notice something else.

My eyes slowly tear away from his to the weapon aimed at me. A blade, an actual blade, is drawn and held out toward me. The metal reflects the light in the room and almost blinds me, but he tilts it slightly so it doesn't anymore. My body shakes at the thing before me. As much as I want to believe it's just a prop, my gut tells me otherwise.

I'm gonna die.

My eyes lift to his and scan his face. Even his facial features look so much like him. How is it even possible to perfect makeup like that? And the face shape as well? But his eyes. His eyes are what sends bolts of electricity through me. To add contacts and makeup is one thing, but the fact that even his eyes, too, are exactly like the character... Something is not right. It looks... too real.

What is going on?

I carefully hold up my broom to the Sasuke-look-a-like as if it'll do anything and keep my hands from vibrating like a high-scaled earthquake. "W-what do you want?"

He narrows his dark eyes at me with a desire to kill me like the worthless scum I am. "Where am I." His question sounds more like a demand to which I'd usually reply with a snarky retort. But, that's not what surprises me. It's his voice. His voice sounds so much like him in the show. Not only did this guy perfect the looks and manage to bring a real sword, but his voice is altered so much that he sounds exactly like the character. And that's almost imposs—

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