Run Away

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I heard my father yell. 

Welp, I got caught.

I started sprinting for the door but was blocked by guards.

I turned my direction, and started sprinting down the hallway. There was no exit to the place where I was heading, but maybe if I juke them I can sprint back towards the front door.

My father yelled for me again, but I didn't care. For once I let my inner self go free. And boy was it a treat.

I continued running down the halls of the castle. Guards rushing after me. I kept going until I was at the end of a hallway.

I panted, and turned around. The guards halted about a few feet away from me.

Fuck! I'm trapped!

I cursed at myself. I turned my head slightly back at the end of the hall and looked up.

My eyes widened but went back to normal in a flash. I smirked.

Heh! Looks like the gods really want me to escape huh?

A few feet above me. A lone window sat there, just waiting for me to escape through it.

To some they would say 'oh I can't escape through there! Its to high!'  Well, not for me!

If you've spent all your life cooped up in some stupid castle with a stupidly over protective father and stupidly annoying servants. You tend to do things they would normally think as absurd.

I looked to my right and spotted a bookshelf. It looked old, but I wasn't gonna be on it for long.

I looked back at the guards, a plan forming in my head.

I started backing up slowly and jumped at the bookshelf. I felt the shelf lean so I knew I had to move quickly. I stood up at the top of the shelf and launched for the window.

I grabbed the end of the window and let myself dangle for a minute. As if taunting the guards that chased me. Then, I heaved myself up.

I looked back down to the guards. Their eyes were wide, mouth agape. I turned to one guard in particular.


(Its Spifey, not GeorgeNotFound. You'll see him later on)

His expression was not like the others. The corners of his mouth tugged into a smirk, eyes hinting admiration.

I smiled at him. He was one of the few people that kept me from burning the whole castle down. To my father, George is nothing but a 'companion' to me. A guard to protect me. A slave that will do my bidding. But to my mother, well, she knows my friendship with George.

My mother is nothing like my father. She to wishes for me to see outside the walls. Outside the protection and luxury of the castle. She has a rebellious side of life. Just like me.

She understands me. She knows my desire for freedom. My will to live a life free of all duties and rules. She knows I want to live a normal life. One that lacks responsibilities and forced marriage.

I smiled back at George and jumped out the window. I heard the guards scream my name, but it was to late.

I landed on a pile of leaves, breaking my fall slightly. It hurt, but not a lot. I looked around and realized, I still had to get past the walls.

Heh, thanks George! You trained me for this!

My smiled turned into a smirk as weaved my way through the castle security. I climbed the wall and looked back at the castle.

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