Chapter 8

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Sara Cathcart as Abby James

Sonny Bustamante as Mason Carter

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Sonny Bustamante as Mason Carter

Friday December 25th, 2020Dylan's POV

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Friday December 25th, 2020
Dylan's POV

Today was Christmas and I was super excited for it. Every year Madi, Anna, and I'd family got together. It was always so much fun and everyone always got along. Well most of the time. This year it was our turn to host it and even though we have done this all my life my mom still freaked out.

"Dani did you clean the bathroom like I asked you?" Mama yelled up the stairs to Dani who was in her room doing god knows what.

"Yes m'am!" Dani screamed back.

"Don't be yelling in my house!" Mama yelled making me laugh. "What are you laughing about and go change it's Christmas so try to look a little presentable."

I rolled my eyes. I don't know why I have to dress up every time the James' and Carter's came over. We were basically family. Nevertheless I went to my room to change. When I was finished I returned back to the living room and saw that they had arrived.

"Merry Christmas," I told everyone in the room.

"Merry Christmas Dylan. Every time I see you you get more beautiful," Madi's mom, Julie said to me as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I can say the same to you Julie. You don't look a day over 25," I said to please her. She laughed a little before letting me go.

"Oh you charmer." After hugging Julie I made sure to give Madi's dad, Luke, Anna's parents, Jenny and Olivier a hug too. Instead of going straight towards Madi and Anna I stopped at Anna older sister Abby.

Abby was 21 and currently in going to some college in Florida. So she was only able to come home on holidays. Before she left for college her and Dani were super close and they are still super close. All five of us had been close our whole lives. Sometimes I felt bad for Mason, Madi's little brother because he was the only boy.

"Abby!" I exclaimed throwing myself on her. Thankfully she caught me.

"Jesus Dylan," She said but hugged me back anyways. Out of all of us Abby was definitely the nicest.

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