Chapter 15

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Thursday January 28, 2021
Dylan's POV

Sadly today was our last day in Florida and my birthday. The concert was amazing like I knew it would be. Everyone had asked me what I wanted to do today but I decided that I just wanted to stay in. Which sounds really boring considering I'm turning 16 and in Florida but I really didn't want anyone to spend more money then they had to.

I already had an amazing time exploring Miami and the concert was great. That was a good enough present for me so staying in with everyone sound nice to me. Somehow though we ended up at Walmart.

Right now I was walking down the toy aisles with Madi and Anna.

"Look!" Anna said running towards a a doll on the shelf. When I saw what she was looking at I quickly made my way over.

"Oh my god! They still make these?" I exclaimed picking up the toy.

"Madi look!" Anna yelled to her causing us to get looks, but we didn't care.

"Oh my god!" Madi screamed running to us.

"What are you looking at?" We heard a voice. We turned around and saw Zach behind us.

"It's a Flutterbye Fairy!" Anna exclaimed shoving the doll in his face.

"Yeah I don't know what that is," He said grabbing her wrist and pushing it away.

"What?" Anna said surprised.

"In case you weren't aware I'm not a little girl and haven't ever been one," Zach said sarcastically. Anna pouted.

"Whatever," She said rolling her eyes before walking away.

"I think you hurt her feelings," Madi said.

"Well what does the stupid doll do?"

"It flies! Isn't that amazing? Especially considering how old it is! God that thing was way above it's time!" I said excitedly. Zach smiled at me.

"Your so cute," Zach told me making me look away. I could see Madi smirking from the corner of me eye.

"Um," Madi said before awkwardly coughing. "I'm just going to." She pointed away before turning and running away. Zach took her spot next to me leaving the front of me empty. I turned to look at him.

"Dylan about the other day," Zach started making my face fall. I didn't know what he was going to say but I didn't want to talk about.

"Yea that," I said trialing off picking at my fingers.

"It was amazing." I smiled. "But." I frowned. "We probably shouldn't tell anyone because I'm not trying to go to jail." I laughed. "I'm serious," Zach laughed.

"Well too late for that everyone already knows," I told him. His eyes widen. "Not everyone I just meant the girls and obviously the boys since they were standing right there."

"Oh did you tell them?" Zach asked as we started to walk down the aisle.

"No actually. I didn't plan on telling them at all but then Anna already knew. Apparently one of the boys told her."

"One do the boys?" He asked confused.

"That's what I said!"

"Did she tell you which one?" I shook my head. "Thats weird." We went silent for a moment then I felt Zach's pinky wrap around mine. Since we were in public this was a subtle way to hold hands.After spending like 2 hours at Walmart we eventually went back to the hotel.

"No I want to go first," I screamed at Anna who was open the Flutterbye Fairy.

"I don't care I'm going first," She said yanking it away from me.

Nobody Gotta Know (Z.D.H)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang