Chapter 12

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Tuesday January 26, 2021
Dylan's POV

"Who wants to go to the beach?" Zach asked

"Oh I do!" Anna said jumping up.

"It's January," Dani pointed out.

"And it's like 70 degrees outside. We don't have to get in the water."

"I'm down," Jack said getting up and stretching.

"Me too," Corbyn followed.

"Same," Daniel said.

"I guess if all you guys are going I'm coming too," Jonah got up and I saw his glance towards Dani.

"I think I'm going to stay here," Dani said looking away from Jonah. I saw Jonah's face fall.

"You can't send us to the beach by ourselves," I told her.

"Then stay here." She shrugged.

"Absolutely not," Anna and I said at the same time.

"Just let her stay here," Madi said. "Even though everyone knows the only reason she doesn't want to go is because of Jonah and whatever weird thing is going on between them." Madi said as she grabbed her jacket and headed towards the door Zach and I were standing in front of.

My eyes widen at Madi's word and I heard Zach let out a let laugh before covering it up with a cough.

"Shut the fuck up Madi," Dani said upset. I looked at Jonah who was just blushing.

"Don't get mad at me because." Before Madi could finish I covered her mouth. From the look on Dani's face I could tell she was two seconds away from slapping Madi in the mouth. Sometimes Madi never know when to stop a joke.

"Madi stop!" I demanded. She glared at me as I took my hand away.

"Fine," Madi grumbled. Then there was a knock on the door. I was going to open it but Zach grabbed my hand and held it between us so no one could see.

I smiled and didn't move. Madi opened the door and Abby came in. Abby came to Florida before us because of school but we told her where we we're staying.

"Abby right in time we are going to the beach," Madi filled her in. She nodded before looking at the boys.

"Hey I'm Abby," She introduced herself.

"Jonah." He did a little wave.

"Corbyn." He nodded a little.

"Daniel." He smiled.

"Jack." He put up a peace sign.

"Zach." Because he was behind me I couldn't see what he did but he earned a weird look.

"Lets go to beach now," Anna said ushering everyone out of the room.

"Why isn't Dani coming?" Abby asked when we all got outside the room. I saw Madi open her mouth but I cut her off.

"Boy problems." Was all I said.

"Is it the same boy from New Years," Abby asked me.

"What boy from New Years?" Jonah asked quickly. I heard Madi stifle a laugh.

"Damn," Zach said making me push him.

"Shh." I hushed Abby and pushed her forward. Honestly I don't know what's going on with Dani, Jonah and now this mystery boy from New Years.

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