Chapter 44

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Saturday July 1, 2023
Dylan's POV

Today was Jack's birthday. He was turning 24 and he was having a party in a couple of hours. Right now I was watching Cruel Summer with Madi, Anna, and Zach in our apartment. Well we were watching Cruel Summer but right now the tv was paused and we were arguing.

"Kate is definitely lying. She was practically in love with the him. She even went to his freaking house," I argued with Anna.

"Jeannette was so obsessed with Kate even before she got kidnapped. She took over her life and stole her boyfriend and friends because she was a crazy bitch!" Anna fought back.

"She did not steal anything! Her and Jamie started dating which made his friends hers-," Before I could continue defending Jeannette Zach cut me off.

"Can we just finish this episode before the party?" He sighed.

"Though I hate to say this I agree with Zachary," Madi said shoving popcorn in her mouth.

"No we have to finish this debate," I said turning back to Anna who rolled her eyes. As I opened my mouth Zach slapped his hand over it and pulled my head into his chest.

"Let's just watch the show." I huffed as Madi pressed play. I grabbed Zach hand off of my face and held it, playing with his fingers and watch the show at the same time.


"Happy birthday Jack," We said in unison.

"Thanks," He said with a smile on his face.

"Oh chips," Madi said before walking away towards the table full of snacks.

"Zach's in the kitchen," Jack said pointing in the direction of the kitchen. I smiled at him as a thanks.

"You okay by yourself?" I asked Anna.

"Yea in plus I have something to do," Anna said with a smirk. I gave her a stern look before walking away.

When I walked into the kitchen I stopped. Zach was talking to Ariana.

"What the fuck," I heard Madi say from behind me.

"I'm not going over there," I said turning around to leave but Madi stopped me.

"Like hell you are. She has her claws on your man," Madi said. She was right Ariana had her hand placed on Zach's bicep.

"I don't care. I trust Zach," I told Madi honestly.

"Yeah I'm sure she trusted him too," She mumbled but I heard clearly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said offended.


"No tell me!" I demanded angrily.

"'s just that Zach doesn't have the cleanest reputation for being faithful." Well that felt like a slap in the face. Especially from Madi.

"Wow," I said shocked.

"Dylan," Madi sighed. "Don't take that the wrong way. I'm just saying that maybe you should be careful. That's all. You know I love you and Zach together. I just don't want you to end up like Ariana."

Madi wasn't wrong. It just hurt to hear someone say it out loud. There was always going to be a voice in the back of my head reminding me of the whole Ariana situation and how I could be next. I just didn't like to hear outside of my head.

"Dylan!" Zach called out finally noticing me. Ariana turned to look at me and smiled. I could tell it was fake though.

I had two options here. I could walk away and pretended I hadn't heard him or I could woman up and walk over there. I didn't get to choose because Madi choose for me. She grabbed my arm and dragged me away. I have Zach a 'I'm sorry' look as she did so.

"I thought you said I should go over there?"

"If you trust him Dylan that's all that matters. In plus I could tell you really didn't want to go over there."

"Madi stop stealing my girlfriend," Zach said throwing his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him.

"She was my girlfriend first," Madi said grabbing me back over to her.

"Here's your drink Z," Ariana came over with two cups in her hand, handing one to Zach. My body immediately stifled.

"Thanks Ari," He smiled at her as she stood next to him, across from me.  "Ariana this is my girlfriend Dylan."

"Are you sure this is your girlfriend," She said with a chuckle as she looked down at Madi and I'd intertwined hands. Madi glared at her but Zach chuckled.

"This is her friend Madi. We share her," Zach said as he walked over to me, standing on the opposite side of Madi. He grabbed my hand and smiled at me. I forced out a smile back.

"Oh that's cute," She said looking at Madi up and down. Madi rolled her eyes and walked away grumbling something.  "So how did you two meet?" She asked turning back to Zach and I.

"A concert."

"Buffalo Wild Wings," Zach said at the same time as me.

"A concert then at Buffalo Wild Wings," I explained.

"Then a hotel," Zach laughed and Ariana laughed with him. I rolled my eyes.

"You look young, how old are you?"

"18," I said simply not wanting to continue this conversation. "Excuse me I have to go to the bathroom," I said before walking away.

When I finally found the bathroom, I just stared at myself in the mirror for a while before exiting. When I left I found Zach leaning against the wall waiting for me.

"Hey," He said smiling and grabbing my hand.

"Hi," I said faking a smile.

"So what do you think of Ariana?" He asked his eyes gleaming.

"She's nice."

"Good because Ariana and I have been friends since we were in diapers and you guys getting along is amazing. I knew you two would make good friends-," I cut him off.

"Zach I can't do this." His face fell.


"I can't just sit around Ariana and pretend like nothing ever happened. Do she even know?"

"No," He whispered looking away.

"It's not right Zach sand even if she did know I don't feel comfortable talking to her and and smiling and nodding. I just- I don't want be friends with her." I said pulling away from.

"Ok," Zach said quietly nodding.

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

"You don't have to apologize Dylan," He said grabbing my face. "If you don't want to be friends with her I understand. We won't be friends with her." 

"Zach you can still talk to her. She's been you friend your whole life. I don't want you to stop being friends with her just because of me."

"No if your not comfortable with it I won't do it," He said kissing my cheek.

"Zach," I sighed. "It doesn't matter what I'm comfortable with I trust you and you can have friends that are girls."

"I love you," He said bringing his lips closer to mine.

"I love you," I said before kissing him.

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