Chapter 11

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Tuesday January 26, 2021
Dylan's POV

Our flight to Florida left at 5am so in order to get to the airport on time we had to wake up at 3am. Anna and Madi had slept over the previous night to make things easier on our parents. We didn't do much sleeping as we were too excited. Though we never sleep when we have sleepovers because we would much rather have a late night jam session.

Dani was not happy at the fact she had to get up early but after I reminded her, that despite what our mother thinks, this is a free trip that she didn't pay anything for. She was pretty chipper after that but was still a little out of it.

Anna on the other was full of energy. I don't know how when Madi and I were both struggling to keep our eyes open as we hadn't even went to sleep.

"There's no time for sleeping when we get to she Why Don't We again!" Is what Anna said to us. Which result in her listening to Why Don't We music the whole night, me humming along, and Madi throwing pillows at Anna until she finally turned off the music. We had gotten about an hour and a half of sleep before we had to wake up again.

Now we are on the airplane and even thought Anna was excited I could tell she was nervous. None of us had been on an airplane before but Anna got scared riding a rollercoaster.

"Wake me up when the plane is landing," Dani said before laying her head back. Anna, Madi, and I all sat in one row. With me by the window, Madi in the middle, and Anna by the isle. Across the isle though Dani sat on the outside.

"She sleeps too much," Madi said shaking her head. I let out a small laugh before looking towards Anna. She was gripping her seat very tight. The plane had already taken off so I was sure that once we were actually in the air she would feel less nervous. Her white knuckles told me otherwise.

"Just calm down," I told her lean toward in front of Madi.

"Don't tell me to calm down," Anna gritted out in between her clenched teeth. "I don't understand why we couldn't take a train or drive there."

"Because no one wants to sit in the car for 15 hours," Madi said. "Especially not with you on the way to a concert."

"It was my first concert!" Anna defended herself. The first Why Don't We concert was the only other time we had been to a concert. "But I'm not going to listen to any of their music until after the concert."


"Because it will make the concert even better," She said like it was a fact.

"How?" I asked confused.

"Just wait and see," She told me before putting in her earbuds. The rest of the plane ride went smoothly. We we got off the plane we caught an Uber to the hotel Zach had amazingly booked for us. Original he got us two rooms but I made him switch it to one. The hotel was way nicer then anything we had stayed in before so I knew the rooms were expensive.

"Wow!" Madi said as we walked into the hotel room. Her eyes glossed over as she set down her things before making her way towards the balcony. Thankfully Florida was only an hour ahead of us so as it was 9am in Florida it would be 8am back home.

Anna followed Madi to the balcony but I flopped on the bed, tired. I rubbed my eyes before pulling out my phone. I sent Zach a quick text to tell him we had arrived before covering my eyes with my arm. I was just planning on rest my eyes for a bit but instead I fell asleep.


"Wakey wakey," I voice said as I being lightly shaken. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Zach's face right in front of mines. I shot up and in the process knocked my head against Zach's.

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