Chapter 1

369 11 17

Saturday November 21, 2020
Dylan's POV

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!" Anna screamed shaking Madison as I laughed at her excitement.

"Stop!" Madi pushed her away roughly.

"YOU'RE NO FUN!" Anna continued to scream until my sister came into the room.

"If you don't stop screaming I'm not going to take you anywhere," Dani told her as she glared.

Madison, Anna, and I have been best friends since birth since our parents were friends. Which means that Madison and Anna were like little sisters to Dani. So when Dani scolded Anna, she stopped yelling.

"Sorry I'm just so excited," Anna said. I could tell she was trying not to burst out yelling again.

"Same but we haven't even left yet," I told her chuckling.

"I don't know why you guys want to see them so bad," Madison said rolling her eyes.

Tonight we were going to see Why Don't We live. Anna was super excited if you couldn't tell. I was also excited just not bouncing off the walls like Anna. Madison on the other couldn't be less excited. Anna and I have liked Why Don't We since they started. While Madison has disliked them since they started.

"Boo you whore!" Anna yelled at her. I laughed as Madison slapped her on the arm.

"And what are you laughing at?" Madison jumped on me and eventually we all started play fighting.

"God you guys couldn't be anymore childish," Dani said before leaving the room. Eventually the time rolled around for us to leave.

"Dani please make sure you come back with three teenage girls. The right three teenage girls." My mom was super nervous as Dani didn't have a good track record when it came to taking us three out in public. It wasn't Dani's fault completely as Madi seemed to alway be wondering off some place.

"Mama I know. I will come back with 3 annoying teenage girls," Dani rolled her eyes as she talked causing Mama to slap her in the back of her head.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, little girl."

"I will make sure Madi doesn't wonder off this time," Anna said shaking. "Can we please leave now?"

"You look like a crackhead in withdrawal," Madi told her causing Dani and I to laugh.

"Madison! Watch your mouth," Mama scolded her. "Yes you can leave have fun!" After that Anna and I ran to the car and Madi dragged her feet.

"Get in loser we are going shopping!" Anna shouted.

"I'd rather be going shopping than this," Madi grumbled as she got in the car. "I don't understand why I couldn't just stay home."

"Because when I said 'why don't we got to why don't we'd concert' you said ok."

"That's because I thought you were high and I had no clue what the hell you were talking about."

"I don't know why you don't like them they are amazing," I said as I plugged my phone into the aux cord.

"Yea, Madi, they really aren't that bad," Dani told her as she stopped the car at a red light.

"Aren't that bad!" Anna screamed in Dani's ear.
Dani jumped before turning around towards Anna.

"Stop screaming or else you'll make us crash." The light turned green and Dani drove off.

"Fine." Anna muttered crossing her arms.

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