Chapter 50

59 4 0

Wednesday January 3, 2023
Dylan's POV

Today is the day. Today is the day I say goodbye to my sisters. My best friends. A part of me. As you can tell I'm not handling it very well. I don't want to burst out and tears and beg them to stay so I'm getting that out right now in the shower.

"Dylan hurry we're going to be late." Zach knocked on the bathroom door.

"Coming," I called out. My voice was so hoarse as I hadn't stopped crying since they told they were leaving.

Zach has been super helpful which I was so grateful for but I was sick of crying. I turned off the shower and got out. I started my routine as I thought.

Ever since we were kids Anna, Madi, and I always had that cliche best friend dream. We wanted to got to the same college, it didn't matter which one as long as it was together, we wanted to get pregnant at the same time so we can have our kids be best friends. Granted Madi was the least excited about this idea. No matter how cheesy it was that's what we wanted. We wanted to live right next to each other. We wanted that, all of it.

The fact that nothing was turning out how we wanted it was disappointing. I know I sound like a child when I say I don't like change, but it's true. It's not that I don't like change, I just don't like unexpected change.

Our move to California was a change that I had expected and prepare for. Though they gave me plenty of time to prepare, I still wasn't ready. I don't think I ever would. How could I? We did everything together.

17 years ago we were taking baths together. 13 years ago we were starting kindergarten together. 7 years ago we were staring middle school together. 6 years ago we all had our first kiss at our first dance (not with the same boy). 5 years ago we were starting high school together. 3 years ago we went to our first concert together, where I met the love of my life. Not even a year ago we were moving to California. Barely 4 months ago we were starting college together.

Now one of us was pregnant, one of was moving to the other side of the country, and one was doing absolutely nothing. What is wrong with me?

I shook my thoughts away as I walked out of the room.

"I'm ready to go," I told Zach who was waiting on the couch.

"How are you?" He said as he approached me. He pushed my braids behind me and rest his hand on my face.

"I'm okay. How are you?" I wasn't the only losing a best friend today. Jack was moving too and some how I had neglected to ask Zach how he was. I was a horrible girlfriend.

"I'm okay too," He said though I could tell he didn't mean it. Neither one us meant it.

I wrapped my arms around him, taking in his scent.

"We're going to be okay," I whispered. "We're both gonna be okay."


"You were scared. You freaked out and ran into away," Corbyn laughed. We all sat in Dani's and Jonah house, where we agreed to say goodbye. Or as Zach liked to say see you later.

"Ugh please that was so embarrassing," I said hiding my face in Zach's chest.

"Anna was so upset that you had ran," Dani reminisced.

"Oh my god I was so obsessed," Anna's face was red as she placed her hand on her 6 months belly.

"You really were. You cried when Dylan found Dani and Jonah in that closet," Madi said laughing.

"Ew that was so disgusting I can still see the image in my brain," I said fake gagging.

"Hey it's almost time to leave," Jack announced, which killed everyone's mood.

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