Chapter 31

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Friday May 27 2022
Dylan's POV

"Why are you always the last person to leave the class?" Madi rushed me.

"Because it's easier that way. Where's Anna?" I asked looking around for her.

"She's still upset and stormed out of the class," Madi said as we walked out of the building. "Before I could catch up with her she was gone. She's probably at the car."

We stopped for a second to find were Zach was parked. I had a pretty good idea consider there was a one car surrounding by what looked like every girl at my school.

"I think I found it," I pointed it out to Madi.

"Ugh I hate people," Madi grumbled before making her way over. We pushed our way through the crowd and when we finally got to the car Jack and Zach were standing outside of the car talking and taking pictures with fans. "I'm just going to wait in the car," Madi mumbled climbing in. I smiled lightly at the boys before also climbing in.

When all their fans finally left Anna still hadn't arrived to the car. I got out of the car to see if I could spot her.

"Where the fuck is this bitch," Madi said angrily. "We should just leave her."

"We aren't going to leave her. I'll call her," I said pulling out my phone. The phone rang and then I heard Anna's ringtone. I looked up and saw her approaching us.

"What the fuck took you so long," Madi shouted out of the car window.

"Fuck off," Anna mumbled before getting in the car.

"I guess someone's still upset." I rolled me eyes at Anna and Madi.

"I'll drive," I said taking my keys from Zach. I got in the driver's seat and Jack immediately hopped in the passenger side.

"No," Zach groaned.

"Ha suck it up and sit in the back loser," Jack said sticking his tongue. Zach grumbled something before getting the back next to Madi.

We decided to go to there rental place. Zach hadn't really wanted to do anything for his birthday beside hang out. When we got their Corbyn and Daniel were playing some video game I didn't know the name of.

We all started hanging out and talking. Corbyn, Daniel, Zach, and I all sat on the couch in front of the tv. I was sitting sideways on the couch with my legs pulled to my chest and my cheek leaning against my knees. I had my back leaning against the side of the couch. Zach was sitting forward on the couch. In one hand he held a game control in the other hand was my hand. Both of our hand resting in between the couch and my side. Hidden from everybody else. It was intentionally it just happened. Corbyn and Daniel both sat on the other side of the couch beating Zach in their game. Zach didn't seem to care though as he rubbed circles on the back on my hand.

Jack was sitting in a chair next to the couch and Anna and Madi were sitting on the floor on the other side of the room. They were whispering to each other about something. I wasn't worried though because I knew they would tell me later.

"Zach you suck ass," Jack told Zach as he got killed.

"Why the fuck are you only playing with one hand," Daniel asked as he looked down at Zach's controller.

"My other hand is busy," Zach said shrugging. Anna and Madi's head shot up.

"Um what the hell," Madi said disgusted.

"Don't be so dirty minded," I said to Madi before holding Zach's hand up. Madi gave me a look that said "mmm hmm." with a smirk before turning back to Anna.

The doorbell rang and Corbyn got up to get it.

"Um Zach," He said with worry in his voice. Everyone looked up. My heart sank. Zach let go of my hand which didn't help.

"Ariana what are you doing here?" He asked getting up. It was in that moment that I knew: I was a whore.

All of sudden a huge wave of guilt flooded me. A voice in the back of my head was trying to convince me that I hadn't done anything wrong. That Zach and I were just friends. It wasn't helping though. I was a slut.

"I came to surprise you," Ariana grinned leaning in to kiss him. Zach turned his head causing her lips to land on his cheek.

"We should go," Anna said getting off the floor and straighten out her clothes. Anna gave me a look. I was so thankful for her saving right now.

"Why?" Madi said. Before Anna could respond the door opened and Jonah and Dani walked in.

"Hi Jonah," Ariana waved at him.

"Hey Ariana," Jonah smiled back a little before giving Zach a questioning look. Zach shrugged it off.

"So what are you guys doing?" Ariana asked looking at the tv.

"Playing video games," Zach mumbled. This was awkward.

"Well don't let me stop you," Ariana said taking a seat in the chair next to Jack's. Zach sat back down in his spot on the couch and everyone started slowly talking again. I could hear Dani and Jonah whispering about something. Dani would occasionally look up and shoot daggers at Zach. Anna was giving me a look of pity while Madi played on her phone. I could tell the guys also felt awkward but they didn't let it show.

I looked down when I felt a hand slip into mine. I looked back up and Zach smiling at me. I glared at him before yanking my hand away from his. I got up and went over to where Anna and Madi were sitting. Anna smiled at me weakly before grabbing my hand. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"It'll be ok," Anna whispered to me. I opened my eyes and gave her a small smile.

Despite Anna words I knew that was far from the truth. This would probably haunt forever. I never wanted to be one of those girls but here I am. I was disgusted with myself. How could I have let this happen. It wasn't right. It doesn't matter what Zach and I had it doesn't justify what we were doing to Arianna.

The fact that Zach didn't care also upset me. If he could so easily cheat on Ariana what's to say he couldn't do the same to me if we dated.

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