Chapter Seven

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"Y-you're what?!" I exclaim. My mind is racing.
"Your brother. We weren't born twins, it was triplets," Zack says calmly. I guess he's learned from Clara's reaction.

I sit on the bed with my hands in my hair, blown out of my mind. Clara comes in with the iconic smile. She sits next to me and holds my arm in hopes I'd calm down. Yeah, not happening.

"So... why did you arrive now? I have so many questions," I finally say back.

"Well our mother is an Angel, and she took the oldest child with her to Heaven, and that was me,"

"S-so she left us behind?!" I yell, "Why?"

"She wanted a normal life for you, but dad wouldn't take you in,"

"Wow. He's a lowlife jerk like that," I mutter, "And have you met the guy?"


My heart was racing. All I thought about was how dad let us go into several foster homes! What kind of father does that?! So now Zack is my twin brother. I'm related to Deputy Dork.

Clara hugs Zack warmly. Those kind of hugs are the meaningful ones. They are some sort of 'welcome' into things. In this case, it's Zack to our family.

In his eyes I could tell there was something he wasn't telling us. But for now, I kept my mouth shut.

After a while, Zack offered to take us to a movie. I agreed, and so did Clara. Off we went.

I shook as the cold wind hit my warm hands. My face was a rosy red as the wind of my breath appeared in the air in front of me. The walk there was oddly quiet. The sky was its dark purple, with the gracious moon shining in it. The stars surrounding the surface were bright. I looked up again for another glance.

"So what movie you guys wanna see?" Clara asked, breaking the tense silence. She raised an eyebrow for an answer.
"I guess we could see a horror movie," Zack mentioned.
"Only if you hold my hand. It's tradition for Ollie and I,"
Zack looks at me weird, in which I reply with a shrug. It was what we did. She's scared of that stuff.

"Three tickets for... A Lobotomy for One..," I ask the person selling tickets. She sighs and hands the tickets to me. I nod in thanks.

We walk into the brightly colored lobby. Posters, arcade games, and that iconic popcorn smell really pumped me up. We grabbed some concessions quickly about fifteen minutes before the movie started. Our theater number was 8, and that's where we were headed next.

I sat on the end of the top row. Clara next to me, following with Zack. Talking was heard throughout the entire area. It aggravated me in a way I cannot explain, so I had to do something about it.

"Could you please shut the hell up?" I loudly ask the group. One of them flips me off. I was about to lose it. When people are rudely interrupting the pre-views, and they won't oblige to keeping it down, really pisses me of.

"Don't blow your top, Mr. Train," Clara whispered. I slapped her hand in annoyance.

The movie finally started and gladly the group shut up. So basically, the movie is about a cult that harvests organs, and lures people in to sacrifice them. (A Riverdale reference anyone?)

Clara was surprisingly was interested in the flick, because normally she'd be trembling as her hand was in mine. Maybe it's because there were zombies eating people, because that exists, right? I think a cult harvesting organs is more realistic than zombies.

The movie ended quicker than expected. Clara moaned in sadness as the second one was coming out later this year. I guess that one movie wasn't scary to her. Interesting..

We left the theater to see snow falling from the sky. I reached my arms to catch some, but was unsuccessful. Then, Clara started her special spinning walk down the sidewalk. She giggled as the snowflakes hit her freckled face.

I laughed when she slipped. Zack chuckled as well, soon following Clara pouting. She pushed me over into the snow. I sat there for a minute and then threw a snowball at her back. She froze and threw one back. Zack gathered a big one and threw it at me. My face was now freezing cold, but I ignored that to hit him back. We had a snowball fight at 10pm in the snow. I'll title that one of our best memories.

Hopefully we can make many more in the near future, now that we were a solid trio. I love you Zack and Clara, never forget that Okay?

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