Chapter Seventeen

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May 5 & 6, 2017 - The Lake Weekend Getaway

I was sitting on the couch on a Friday night as usual when a knock was heart on the door. Zack jumped over to see who exactly it was, and much to my surprise, it wasn't anyone I knew. But Zack hugged this stranger, whispering some things that I couldn't quite register.

The man eventually walked into the door, having the most ginger hair I've seen on a person. He was quite attractive, actually, but I don't recall ever meeting him. From my close observations, Zack had seemed to know this person well, from holding his really large hands. I couldn't help but stare, which I knew was rude.

"Ollie, this is Brendon. My boyfriend." Zack finally said, guiding him to the couch that I sat on. Now I knew exactly who this was. Zack had mentioned someone he missed, and sure enough, that person was him. I smiled and waved shyly. His glowing green eyes looked so welcoming.
"So, uh, where did you guys meet?" I asked, awkward as all hell.
"We, uh, met in the Silver City." Brendon added, filling in for Zack. He carefully placed his muscular arms around my brother. I had no other feelings but to support them, well for one I wasn't homophobic and if it made Zack happy, sky's the limit.

He sat down softly as if he was as light as a feather. I saw him glance at Alice's interesting decor. (Yes, it's funky) He then looked at me.

The silence was so awkward tot he point where I crawled up into a ball, knowing well that the both of them were staring at me. Zack cracked up into laughter, but then stopping when I evilly glare at him. Brendon broke the silence.
"I have this idea.."
I looked at him, full of anticipation.
"We could go to this cabin by Cherry Creek Reservoir..." Oh no. Not camping. Especially in May.

"Why, though?" I asked, putting my hand out. He pushed it back.
"Would you rather stay here all weekend?"
"Actually no." I said, defeating his purposes. I regretted saying that after it blurted out.
"Fine. Ask Clara." I caved. My arms were crossed now. Part of me wanted to go, just for the thrill, but I really didn't want to be stuck in a cabin with a person I barely know. Regardless if he's dating my brother or not, I don't trust him yet.

I swiftly paced up the stairs to grab my overused duffel bag. I threw some clothes in there, really not caring what would end up on my body. Clara was giggling across the hall in her room. You could hear that across the country.

I threw it over my shoulder, grabbed a pair of tennis shoes, along with sandals and immediately flew down the stairs once again. Both Brendon and Zack were there, picking out snacks for the ride there. I don't know what they were packing for. The ride was barely ten minutes long. But I just flopped back onto the couch for the meantime.

Clara came down holding an ungodly amount of bags (girls, am I right?). She walked over into the kitchen where the other two were and stood there statue like.
"Who's this?" She pointed at Brendon. He walked over and shook her hand, introducing himself kindly. She then began to beam that iconic smile that we all know and love. They talked for what seemed like hours, but only minutes. She just laughed at everything he said. I rolled my eyes.

"He's so awesome!" Clara exclaimed. I briefly turned my head to hear her lovely, but very loud screams. She thought so highly of him. I don't know how she does that.

After about ten more minutes, she wrapped her arms around my neck. For a second, I thought she was going to choke me, but all she did was rest her head on mine.
"Cmon, we get to sit in the backseat." She whispered, soon gracefully skipping to the direction of the door. I got up, and for a minute had to catch my balance. I followed her quietly. My seat was behind the passenger. There was plenty of room in the pocket to stick a plethora of books in, which made me happy.
Zack, Brendon, and the large bag of food made it into the car quicker than expected.

Before I knew it, I was snapped out of a really interesting daydream. I looked up, and saw a cabin that was about two stories, with the largest porch. There were pine trees and the sky was spread throughout as a backdrop. I grabbed my things and walked up the steep stairs to the front door.

"We rented this place for the weekend." Zack started. I nodded and headed towards my direction. Inside was cozy. There was a fireplace and an L-Shaped gray couch. I flopped onto it and held a pillow that matched the vibe. I really felt comfortable with the aura that surrounded the room. I also saw a kitchen that was extended off the den. I guess the whole cabin was gray-themed.

Clara gasped at the inside of the cabin the minute she set foot in it. I watched her run around the first floor, that had the required rooms as well as a few bedrooms. The upstairs was a rec room with a pool table. I'm sure Zack would love that.

Brendon offered to make us dinner, because by the time we arrived, it was dark outside. He made a big bowl of spaghetti, which was actually fantastic. We managed to watch the entire Twilight series in one night. After Breaking Dawn :Part Two concluded, I decided to turn in for the night.

The next morning....

The bed head was real. My eyes were half-closed as I stood in front of the mirror. Clara approached my behind and hugged me. At that point, she woke me up. I rubbed my face to feel how tired I was, but all that was there was oil. I felt disgusted by my face. After my rendezvous with the mirror, a shower was running. I ran downstairs in hopes to nap on the weirdly comfortable couch, but Brendon and Zack were already there. I could see their hands holding the other romantically. I turned away to find Clara.

She was on her bed with a sketch book in her hand, pencil in the other. After a minute, she noticed I was there watching her every move.
"What's there to do?" I asked, putting my hands in my Jean pockets. She shrugged and resumed her drawing. I slid my feet over to her direction and watched her trace the lines of the subject. It was so mesmerizing to watch her know what she was doing. It was a skill I could not master, no matter how hard I tried.

Zack walked in the room not long after I had and told me what we were doing. He had discussed with Brendon that we were to head to the reservoir for the afternoon. I was fine with that, because there was nothing to do other than re-watch the Twilight Saga.

I grabbed a vacant backpack, put a few things in there, and waited on the couch for instructions. The reservoir was behind the cabin, only a quarter of a mile away. Clara practically fell down the stairs while I was lost in my thoughts once again. She sat next to me and began talking about nothing in particular.

Brendon and Zack had finally been ready after about twenty minutes. It was so strangely awkward to be around them, as Clara and I were the third and fourth wheels. Their small conversations in the front seat were in a language that I couldn't understand fully, but it sounded so familiar. I just couldn't figure out where I heard it.

The lake sparkles as the four of us approached and it. I could watch the water ripple for hours at a time, and do absolutely nothing while doing just that. I loved the water, no matter where or what from it'd be in - especially swimming in it.

We swam for what felt like days, but was only a few hours. We spent the day lounging and spitting never-ending jokes. I had a ton of fun that day. Mark that in the memory book, would ya?

On that Sunday night, we drove home in sorrow. The fun had concluded for a while - well, until school ended. I managed to scramble on some clothes and fell asleep at 7pm. On a Sunday.

How lame could I get?

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