Chapter Six

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February 14, 2017

Oliver's POV

There went the alarm. I groaned as the creaking of my bed sounded. I got up for another day of hell. Today wasn't that particularly special, other than it being Valentine's Day, which I despised most. Clara was one for these holidays. She loved giving gifts with hearts and chocolates to all the singles out there. It was her way of paying generosity to the community.

There she was, in her sparkly red dress. It made my eyes hurt, blinding even. Her lips were a rosy pink, while her eyes shined. Clara always went all out on Valentines Day. It made me sick.

She and I rode the bus that morning, as usual, but her bag was full of card and candy for her friends. Newsflash: that was the entire school.

My day was pretty decent. Other than including the roaring amounts of screaming and kissing. I never really understood the concept of love, or maybe I haven't found 'the one' yet. It's unknown at this point.

There I was, sitting in my math class, bored out of my mind and I hear,
"Oliver Pierce, please report to the principals office,"

I froze for a millisecond. Was I in trouble? Or worse, getting suspended or expelled? Oh god maybe it was that time in tenth grade where I outsmarted the teacher. I was nervous.

I walked down the stairs toward the lobby of the school, to see out principal with a kid next to him. It looked like he was talking to him, but I couldn't tell from that far away.

"Am I in trouble, Mr. Short?" I ask, clumping my hands together.
"No, Mr. Pierce. This is Zachary. He has the same last name as you, coincidentally," Mr. Short chuckles and asks me to tour the kid. I agree in order to not get in trouble.

"So this is the lobby. A lot of kids roughhouse here," I say, walking away.
"Cool, I'm Zack by the way," He muttered.
"I'm Oliver, but I'm normally called Ollie. But you haven't earned that right yet,"

I toured the school with him, showed him all the good spots. Where we ate, all of his classes, of which he shared some of mine. Zack is actually pretty cool. And oddly looks exactly like me. Are we twins?!

I headed back to class with him. He was introduced to our class and sat next to me. Clara glanced over at us and had her eyes wide. Maybe she was shocked?

The bell went off and I headed to the cafeteria. Zack followed me, maybe because I was the only person he knew. I didn't mind much.

"Ollie!" Clara yells. She motions for me to sit at her table. I roll my eyes and go over to her. As soon as I stood above the chair, she pulls my arm aggressively.

"Ollie that kid you sit next to is your twin. Even though I am, he looks like you. Why? Do you know why?" She asks, having a tone you rarely hear from her.
I'm baffled at her question.
"No, Clara! I just met the guy. Maybe it's purely a coincidence!"
She calms down in regards to my reply. I sit down with my book in my hands and then Zack sits across from Clara.

She greets him kindly and asks him some questions.
Why he had our last name and why he looked like me. Pierce is a common last name, which I'm not surprised about, but the looking like me thing isn't really much of a coincidence. My brown hair and the way the light hits my blue eyes is purely unique.

The day ends and I gather my things. The aftermath of Study Hall can be hectic. Books, papers, and pencils everywhere. Kids are ecstatic, and well, everyone is tired.

I walk home this time. I text Clara to tell her I'd rather enjoy the smell of trees than sweaty kids. She replies with an abundance of emojis. I laugh at her antics. The sky was a light gray and the sun was hidden. I'm not surprised, even the world hates Valentines Day. I'm sure I have 0 valentines for the 18th time. Again, not surprised. It's the same thing every year. Why does 2017 have to be different?

The door opens and I see Zack in my house. Why is this dorky brute talking to Alice. And making her laugh? What the hell is going on?

I hold my tongue for a minute as my stuff was put down. I then approach them and then Alice notices me.
"This is your new foster brother, Zack! I'm sure you've met him, right?" Alice asked.
I nod. I make a neutral face for Zack and turn around to go upstairs to my room.

I sit in there until I hear Clara arrive. You can tell easily, because the sun comes out.

I hear my door open and my eyes wander to Zack with a duffel bag. He smiles and sits on the vacant bed. I raise an eyebrow in utter confusion.

"I live here now," Zack says.
"Oh. And sharing a room with me?" I say back, really feeling uncomfortable about the situation.
He nods. I groan in dissatisfaction. My eyes glanced back to my book as he unpacks.

Great! Now I have to share a room with this guy. Something is up and i have no idea what. I'm gonna figure it out one day, Zack, I swear to God.

We talk for a while until dinner time. We eat our dinner in conversation, as usual. It seemed like Zack enjoyed it. He fits in well.

I take my shower in hopes I can go to bed quickly. Sleep was the goal of the day.

"Hey Ollie..?" Zack spoke.
My head whips around in his direction.
"Yeah?" I answer, clearly annoyed.
"I have something to tell you," He says, urging for us to go in our room. I follow him.

"Okay, so it's not going to be taken lightly. Especially for you. I told Clara already... but

I'm your biological triplet brother,"

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