Chapter Ten

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April 15, 2017 - Los Angeles, California

It was fifteen minutes before I was ordered to go downstairs. I had no formal suit, so I quietly asked one of the maids that was in the hallway to usher me to one. She pointed at the closet. I thanked her and went looking. It looked like Dad had customized clothing to our liking. There was a suit that I quickly grabbed and put on. I hated wearing suits, which made me extremely hot and uncomfortable. But this was for a special occasion. I had no other choice.

I walked downstairs to see Zack and the other boys sitting at the table already. Dad was reading a novel, which looked like it was Where the Red Fern Grows. I loved that novel. And I was surprised to see him read it now.

"Evening, brother," Zack started. He smiled at my form and told me how 'I needed to wear suits more' and stuff. I asked where Clara was in which he responded with,"She's with Paisley. They get along well," I nodded in acknowledgment.

After about five minutes of silence, I heard the faint giggles of my sisters. Clara was dressed in a long satin purple gown, that had a slit on the side. She hugged my side and rested her golden hair on my shoulder. Dad looked up and smiled. He then put the book down and folded his hands politely. All of us were down except Jocelyn, who came running soon before the clock made noise.

"Children, sit," Dad shouted. We all obeyed.

The maids and butlers came in with several plates of food. I looked around so much to the point where my neck hurt. It was all so organized, but chaotic at the same time.

Out came everyone's favorite dishes. Mine was obviously Chicken Alfredo, and I looked over at my drink that was full of sparkling water. My mouth watered from being so extremely hungry, as I haven't ate since we were at the hotel.

"So, I gathered all of you here for me to see all of my children. And how much I love you. None of this wouldn't be possible without my eldest son, Zachary," Dad said. He looked over at Zack in a loving manner.

So Zack told him what our styles were, and our favorite food. What's next? Our shoe size and credit card numbers? I was so baffled, and I never knew all of this. Well... that does explain him being awfully strange.

I ate my meal briefly and gulped down my drink. It looked like everyone was finished when I opened my eyes after the last sip. Clara looked at me and smiled. I could tell she was enamored by my appearance.

We sat there for a few more minutes, endlessly staring at Dad to finish. We were followed by Jocelyn when she finally finished. The only person left was Dad. He finished after ten whole minutes of silence.

"You should learn to slow down while you eat. It's inappropriate," Dad warned us. He had laughed at what he just said. He excused himself as he walked right towards the study.

"So..." I said, clearly showing that the room was beginning to get awkward.
"What does dad do for work?" Clara asked, soon with me mouthing 'thank you' from across the room.
"Oh uh he's the CEO of a yacht company and founded the Adoption Center here in Beverly Hills," Paisley replied, enthusiastic about his career.

"So he... works all the time?" I asked, stirring up the conversation. Ava crossed her arms in unison with Theo. I took that as a yes. Zack got up and tapped for me to get up too. He wanted to show me something.

"So.. when I first got here, six years ago, I was exploring an found this-" He declared.

He opened the doors to the most elegant library I've ever set my eyes on. There were ladders leading up the shelves and stairs to a second level. My eyes were as wide as saucers in that moment, and for a minute, I wanted to cry. It was so lovely.

"I-I told dad that you liked to read, so he got someone to clean it up for you. It's even dedicated to you, ya know," Zack said. I looked at him and stepped forward into the large room. My body turned around several times to catch the view. I loved the way the sun shined through the black curtains above a lovely chair. He went to a plaque that had my name on it.

For my little bookworm. One day, great things will take place in here. I love you, Oliver Cole.

My heart fluttered at that sign. It had my name on it. So.. the entire library was mine. Wow. Never in a million years did I think I'd have my own library.

"It's dedicated to you because you're the only one that reads," Zack stated, I nodded in agreement.
"Well they should read more," I added. It was true, reading is brain healthy and has been proven to make you smarter in vocabulary.

"I'll go get Clara and see what she thinks of it,"
"You do that," I say back, watching my identical self walk away.

"Where to first.." I muttered to myself. I decided to find the fiction section. But first I had to change out of this suit. Finding a sheet of paper, I wrote down where I went. Then I walked up the wide stairs.

Quickly, I ran down the stairs in my baggy sweatpants and t-shirt. I'm sure dad wouldn't mind if we wore comfy clothes - not that he'd notice.

I walked into the room to see Clara browsing the mystery section.
"Hey Clara," I say, soon seeing her head whip around to my direction. She was wearing exactly what I was wearing, but with a hoodie overtop. I guess we really were related.

"Hey. Got your note," She said, smiling small. She then grabbed a book by the top of the spine, examining the cover and reading the back.
"Yeah I didn't want to worry you. And isn't this place just extravagant?" I ask, in a really happy tone.
"Yeah, it's something alright. How does it feel to have a whole library to yourself?"
"Unreal," I reply back. I still couldn't believe that all of this was mine.

She chuckled and began to open the dusty book. She guided herself to the one of the chairs guarding the beaming window. The sunset was showing itself, as you could tell by the growing dimness in the room.

I silently grabbed a random book and started to read it. After what felt like minutes, was really an hour, and I got almost halfway through the novel. It was about 10:30pm and I decided to turn in for the night. The walk upstairs was far too long if you were drunk. The turns and ways to go would confuse you, but I knew my way around. Third room on the left of the right side. I know, it's confusing but it works.

I then slid my legs in the perfectly made bed and laid down. I stared at the wall for far too long and eventually I was dreaming of living here permanently.

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