Chapter Thirteen

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April 20, 2017 - Los Angeles, California (haha 420)

The day brought many memories. We had a whole movie session, watching things from chick flicks to horror movies. I enjoyed them as buckets of popcorn was made every five minutes. They were devoured so quickly that you'd have to have your own bucket to at least have some. I was related to animals.

Our father had lunch with us outside in the gazebo, on this fine sunny day. I tried to suck in the sun while we still had it. Colorado is cold and rainy most of the time, and I really didn't like it. But it was home.

The only person missing was Ava. She was oddly distant, and never opted to have fun with us. We just left her behind as she wished.

I was going to look for her.

Her room was just across the hall from Clara, who was down the hall from me. I walked down in my grey socks, hearing the carpet creak every time I stepped. At last I was at my older sisters door, nervously knocking on the wooden blocker. It opened immediately. She motioned for me to walk in, and then slammed me against the wall.

I couldn't scream. Nor could I move. Her strength was impenetrable. Her eyes glowed a crimson red and evilly stared at me. My heart was racing in a way I've never felt before. Just her face staring at me was just so terrifying.

Then I couldn't breathe. I had to force myself to make her let go. I held up a sign of peace.

She let me go.

On the floor I was, choking and coughing up. I looked up and her face was full of sympathy.

"I-I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, helping me up. Her eyes were the usual amber. She sat me on the bed.

"You could've killed me!" I screamed, clearly frustrated.
"Please, like I could kill an Angel," She announced. I froze.
"How do you know that?" I asked, striking a tone so confused, defending my people as well.
"I saw you and Zack,"
"Oh," I sat there. My arms were folded in my lap, one on my lifted leg that was on the bed. She walked around, pacing back and forth.

"So why were your eyes red?" I asked, curiously.
She didn't say anything. I could tell it was a secret.
"If you tell anyone, I will find you," She declared, trusting me.
"I'm a vampire. I wasn't born like this, but I was dying and-" She said. I looked at her like she had three heads. That makes sense of why she didn't go to the beach with us, and didn't spend any time. She was hiding herself.
"Does dad know?"
"Wait- so how could you tell I was an Angel?" I blurted. She laughed and sat next to me.

"I could smell it. And then I saw the wings, and it was really obvious. Plus dad boasts about it all the damn time," She added. After that last sentence, she groaned in frustration. Her reddish brown hair whipped to her backside and followed her onto the ceiling. She was hanging above me.

"I feel like I can trust you," She bellowed. I smiled. We were surely to get along.

I left her room a few hours later after a deep conversation with my half-sister. I didn't see anything wrong with being a vampire.

"Ollie!" Clara shouted. I turned my head in her direction to see her extremely worried.
"What are those marks on your neck?" She asked. I looked down and just shrugged.
"I guess I slept on my neck wrong," I stated. She agreed to my lie. Clara was bellowing her goodbyes to the entire household, as we were to leave tomorrow.

Dad had set up a dinner party for us to celebrate our trip. It was really cool that he'd do something so generous. My mind was so focused on Ava and how she literally almost killed me.

I had to tell Zack.

I didn't listen to my sister because she could've A) killed me and nobody knew how, or B) is really dangerous and was extremely stupid to approach her. I think B is more logical.

There was food to feed an entire village. All of it sitting on platters that cost in the hundreds, shining and steaming beautifully as it was torn apart by hungry adolescents. I barely ate, but my appetite was far larger than it has been since we've arrived here. My eyes glanced towards my starving siblings, who acted like they have never eaten a day in their lives. Clara had her napkin in her lap, and quietly ate, which is mature, but not how she acts. She was glum that we had to leave so sudden, and wanted to stay forever, but I, as her older brother, had to convince her that school is far more important. We'll be back once we graduate. It was a simple plan, honestly.

Dessert came, which was highly unnecessary, since all everyone ate was the entree. My stomach rumbled as cherry cobbler and pies were brought out. This brought out my very hidden sweet tooth. A guy like me, so skinny, loves sweet things. You'd never have guessed.

Barely anyone left due to being full. Everyone had something for dessert. I had a sundae, Clara had some strawberry pie, Dad had ice cream, and so on.
I was born in the right family.

I spent the evening packing my things, of which shouldn't be done on a Friday night. My dirty clothes were washed, my shoes put together, and things Dad gave me were put in there. I went into the bathroom for the last time for a relaxing shower. The jets hit my back so fast, and so serene I just stood there. I even almost forgot to even wash my hair, what I was in there for! I placed my back on the cold marble and flinched. It scared me how cold it was when the water spraying me was warm. I really enjoyed that shower.

My last pair of clean pajamas was put on and I was in bed before I knew it. I spent a little while tossing and turning, half asleep. After about a half hour, my eyes saw nothing but that shade of black behind your eyelids. Sequential dreams played, and it felt like forever until the sun came up.

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