=Chapter Eight=

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They had been swishing through the wind since a couple of hours. It was about time they caught up on sleep. The night was crawling over and frigid wind rustled through the scattered trees.

Haohao had spotted a cozy looking inn not far away from them and the trio had descended down the road to check it out. It seemed a rather barren place. The worn out wooden houses with rusty hinges weren't quite the place for sightseeing.

"We'll rest here for tonight. It will be better if we share a single room just in case of trouble. The place is very close to the bandit hideout, be cautious."

Said Li Jie as he made his way to their resting room.

"It'll be the best if we don't eat tonight. Make yourself comfortable, mates."

He continued.

Jiahao sat down on a woven woollen blanket and pulled his Ge-ge beside him.

"Any specific reasons for you to tag along, little brother?"

Asked Ah-Mian to a flustered looking Jiahao.

"Em. I heard that Li J- Da-ge's father isn't doing well and that his uncle has taken over the clan. His uncle isn't really a trusted man...if you ask me."

Replied Jiahao timidly.

"Where did you receive the heads up?"

"Father's spies."

"That explains. Li Jie-ah. Is His Majesty okay?"

Li Jie looked at his sworn brother and nodded in assurance.

"He will be fine. I've sent my men to look into it. It seems that Royal Uncle isn't letting the information leak out. It's fishy."

"We will get there as soon as possible. It'll be okay."


Jiahao adjusted himself against Mianmian's shoulder.

"Mian-ge. Why'd you decide to follow Da-ge back to the Heavens?"

"Me? Just for fun."

Says Ah-Mian bluntly to which the others roll their eyes.

"Come on Ah-Mian, that's the best you could come up with?"

Chuckles Li Jie.

"Mian-ge, is it related to Chongsheng?"

Whispered Jiahao. Wu Li Jie raised his eyebrows as Mianmian mentally face slammed.

"Chongsheng. A friend."

He muttered.

Li Jie's gaze lingered over the brothers before he finally sighed and dragged himself onto the bed.

"Everyone's got secrets and struggles, Ah-Mian. I'll help you with it. I promise."

It was past midnight. Jiahao snored softly, nestled into the worn yet warm mattresses. Mianmian had somehow gotten his hands over a well aged goblet of pear wine and was busy sipping from it.

"Aren't you too young to drink like you do, Ah-Mian?"

"I'm too young to basically do anything that I do."

Mianmian smiled at his elder sworn brother and scooted over to make place for Li Jie.

"What might young master Lin be up to tonight?"

Says his brother making himself comfortable beside the younger.

"Whatever it is, it won't cause you trouble. Master Wu."

He smirked.

"You need to go to bed, it's late."

"En. I'll be right in, go ahead."

Nodding to Ah-Mian, Li Jie scurries off to sleep.

"Chongsheng. Survey the road ahead. Be wary. Go."

The bird of fire appeared before it's master before flying away to tend to his duties.

Not long after it flew back to the ground where Ah-Mian sat observing the dark skyline.

"Anything suspicious?"

Chongsheng nodded in affirmation and motioned Fengmian to follow him. Ah-Mian quickly got onto his sword, ShaoShang and followed the spiritual bird which in turn led him to a very familiar lady, none other than lady Bright.

"Chongsheng, retreat."

The mark on Ah-Mian's forehead glowed red as the legendary Phoenix flew back into it.

"Greetings lady Bright."

He bowed and slowly approached the young girl.

"Fengmian. The demons have been active near the Heavenly city. His Majesty has set traps for fire cultivators. It isn't safe for you to go there in case your identity is revealed."

"What traps?"

"That isn't known to me but it'll be for the best of you don't leave with the young masters tomorrow."


"Meet me near the White lake first thing in the morning."

"Eh? Won't you stay...uhm I mean...you'd prefer to stay in an inn rather than these woods... "

Yue silently walked through the fallen bamboo leaves as Mianmian stared at her not knowing what to say and do.

"Jiang Ying Yue."

He called out to which the latter seemed to freeze.

"Thankyou and Sorry."

A faint smile had traced Yue's lips as she nodded to the young lad who had the audacity to call out her name. No one ever had and no one probably would, not the way he does anyway.

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