=Chapter Sixteen=

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"Someone's out there."

He whispered to Jiahao.

"So they weren't after us?"

"I'm not sure. Stay here, I'll be right back."

"Mian-ge...This could be a trap."

"What if it isn't? I'm not letting those bastards kill some innocent kid."

Fengmian crawled out of the bushes and summoned his sword, ShaoShang. The figure swiftly turned around, launching a blade towards him.

Mianmian used the hilt of his sword to knock the dagger out of his hand. The person stared at him in fury before backing off.

Fengmian recognized the familiar pair of ocean blue eyes as his own eyes widened.


He clutched either of her arms and pulled her towards their hideout. Jiahao scooted over to make place for the new occupant.

Mianmian tugged Yueyue in and gently pushed her to the ground. The latter hissed as her leg touched the soil.

Fengmian stared at her worriedly and started inspecting her wounds.

"What were you doing?!"

He scolded.

"F-Fengmian...Idiot. Why did you come back?"

She asked breathlessly.

"What do you think?"

Jiahao watched their exchange, confused.

"Ah...Jiahao this is Yu- Lady Bright."

Haohao's lips formed an 'O'. Recovering quickly, he greeted the lady.

"Lady Jiang."

Yue nodded at him before staring at Mianmian who was busy treating her wounds with whatever he had with him.

Jiahao motioned them to quiet down as his eyes trailed along the approaching crowd of soldiers. The guards marched ahead without noticing them as the three sighed in relief.

"Care to explain what that was about?"

Asked Mianmian.

"I was reported that the the Consort Wei and the Crown Prince were sneaking into the Floral Realm."

"Consort Wei? As in our senior sister?"

"Yes. I was buying some time for the two to get in there safely. The King has about 25 people at each gate, I lured them away and sent the couple a pigeon. I was able to get them in and also get the soldiers off my trail but they didn't fall for it while the couple was sneaking out."

Jiahao sprung to his feet.

"Are they still in there?"

"No. They escaped but the palace guards were behind them. I came up with the idea of using demonic magic to lure them towards me and we split-"

"You did what?"

Asked Mianmian to which Yue lowered her gaze.

"I-My Qi deviated."

Fengmian clenched his teeth and Jiahao gasped.

"I'm sorry...it was the only way that I could think of..."

Fengmian's eyes moistened.

"No...it's my fault. I'm sorry, Ah-Yue..."

Yueyue cupped his cheek and wiped the teardrop that had managed to trail down his face.

Jiahao left the two to themselves and got out of the hiding place.

"Let's get going."


Yue managed to somehow get out without tripping and when she did, she was scooped onto Fengmian's back.


"Shush...you'll scare the beasts."

He smiled.


"Aish...make yourself comfortable. You don't get to ride the Phoenix's back everyday."

She chuckled softly before crossing her arms around his neck.

"Haohao, cautious."


Haohao made way for them as the trio sneaked further into the forest.

"Where are they right now?"

"In the town of Hehua."

"Hehua? I've heard of it before."

"The town of water lillies."

Jiahao approached his brother.

"We are very close to it. The place doesn't have many inns. How can they be so stupid...Those guards will find them easily."

Fengmian thought to himself but failed to provide a reasonable answer and smiled to his younger brother instead.

They were able to track their keen by the evening and to say the least, Jiahao was overjoyed.

Haohao knocked on the door. Once. Twice. The third time however, his knuckles connected his Da-ge's chin.


The boy was about to hug his elder when the latter pulled him in and asked the others to get in as well.

"Are you kidding me? Why the hell would you both stay here knowing that it isn't safe?!"

Yelled Fengmian as soon as they got in the tiny room. Ah-Yue tugged at his sleeve asking him to cool off.

"Where is-"


Chimed a very happy voice.

The brothers both hugged their elder sister as she patted their back.

"How old are you, again?"


They said in unison.

Li Jie chuckled at the siblings and Yue just stood their awkwardly.

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